Thursday, January 9, 2014

Too late the BBC .... the UK is done for

Look who's started a discussion on immigration.  Too late the hero, eh?!  Historians will remember UK as the EU's first Caliphate. There's nothing that one can do to turn the tide of  its  fate ... not now.

The BBC guy states that the immigrant population is only 13%.  Do you really believe that?

Alice Philipson writing at TelegraphUK:
....Nick Robinson, the BBC's political editor, has criticised the corporation for making a "terrible mistake" over its coverage of immigration, admitting it censored concerns amid fear they could trigger racism.
Robinson said BBC figures in charge during the late 1990s and early 2000s believed a "warts-and-all" debate over immigration would "unleash some terrible side of the British public".
He told The Sunday Times (£): "They feared having a conversation about immigration, they feared the consequence."
One-sided reports meant viewer's concerns about immigration lowering wages and threatening jobs were not addressed by the broadcaster.

Robinson, whose new documentary The Truth About Immigration is due to air on Tuesday, said the BBC's audience felt it had "decided these are not acceptable views. And that was a terrible mistake."
However, he said he thought the BBC was "not getting it right" on immigration.
It comes months after an official review found the BBC did not accurately reflect the public's growing concern about immigration because of a "deep liberal bias".
In July a report, commissioned by the BBC Trust, found the broadcaster had been "slow" to catch up with public opinion on immigration and leaving the European Union............

 Allison Pearson writing at TelegraphUK:
.....Public anger is    about child benefit being paid to 45,000 children in Poland when our own sisters and daughters and friends have had their child benefit taken away. It’s about maternity units in East Anglia where midwives report unsupervised women going into labour in the corridors because no one thought to plan for the large number of Eastern European babies.

It’s the outrageous official denials that any such problems exist. It’s the primary school in Leicester where a teacher I know doesn’t have a single white child in her class. (Ghetto anyone?) It’s self-styled “Muslim Patrol” vigilante groups in east London terrorising a couple for “holding hands” and telling a woman she would be punished in “hellfire” because of the way she is dressed. It’s universities capitulating to pressure to segregate male and female students to please certain Islamic speakers. It’s the uphill battle to deport the hate preacher who inspired the swivel-eyed fanatics who cut down Drummer Lee Rigby.....

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