Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The fall of Fallujah into terrorist hands

How much American blood has soaked deep into the soil of Fallujah and how many soldiers  have come back in caskets from there and all that  only to have it taken over now by Al Qaeda and affiliates?  

The aftermath of invading the wrong country continues.  It was George "Islam is a Religion of Peace" Bush and his gang who are solely responsible for the Iraqi fiasco, however, the Republicans will never admit that and will instead blame Obama for pulling out of a country the USA had no business to be in, in the first place.  Did a single murderer from the 9/11 atrocities carry an Iraqi passport?  No!  And, yet the Republican govt. of 2001 decided to throw Iraq into hell.

Peter Brookes writing at FoxNews:
....Fallujah fall just  the beginning -- Al Qaeda virus is virulent and spreading.  When President Obama proclaimed in the fall of 2012 during the presidential campaign that Al Qaeda was “on the run,” who knew he meant that Usama bin Laden’s acolytes were just hustling off to other places, including back to their old stomping grounds in Iraq.

In fact, news reports note that not only is Al Qaeda resurgent in Iraq two years after U.S. forces withdrew, but that it has actually recently taken–and held—ground in cities like Fallujah and Ramadi, two places fabled for American heroism during the war.  

You can almost picture a gleeful Al Qaeda in Iraq breathily saying: “We’re baaaaaack…”

Unfortunately, this state of affairs isn’t surprising since the Obama administration left Iraq without leaving a residual force in place for, at a minimum, to advise and train the Iraqis in counter-terrorism operations........

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