
Monday, January 6, 2014

The persecution of Christians in Egypt by Obama's favorite Muslim group

And, people swear that he is not a Muslim.  Lefties belittle and laugh at people like moi because we know that Obama is a Muslim at heart and we don't hesitate to say so.  

From Voice of the Persecuted blog:
  ...Added Security For Coptic Churches In Egypt. As Coptic Christians celebrate Christian, the Interior Minister has moved police have been into position to give them and their churches protection. “If police confirm there is a presence of any terrorist elements, they will use live rounds,” an Interior Ministry official told Reuters, speaking on condition of anonymity.

When Islamist President Mohamed Morsi was elected, Christians became the targets of violence. It escalated during the Revolution in June to remove him from power.  In August and after by the Military had ousted Morsi from power, Islamists unleashed their fury on the Christians and over 80 churches were attacked with many of them burned to the ground. Christians homes and shops were also destroyed..........

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