Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Islamization of America is on a roll

The other day, a devil's advocate in my own family who takes pleasure in confronting moi at every opportunity,  argued:"Why are you so much against Muslims, look at the govt. sessions here or in the USA ... see any Muslims there?  How  will less than 5% of the population impose the shariah you harp on, on 95% of the population?"  and much more of the blah, blah, blah to imply I am off my rocker.   
My response was to point out how the Queen of England and the royal family are just tokens of power and Christianity in their own country, just like the politicians we see yapping away in the govt. houses of Canada, the USA and the UK. The real power lies outside the govt. houses and outside the Queen's castle and in the hands of the most evil manipulators and that there will come a time when the least of the %  will turn out to be the mightiest  because that small percentage  will not be held back by a human being's code of conduct.   

Sadly, when one is talking to people who don't see Muslims as invaders, whatever you say to them is like water on a duck's back.

Allen West writing at his blog:
....We often hear that “America is a land of immigrants,” especially from those advocating a path to citizenship for people who have defied our sovereign rule of law and are here illegally.

I recall the words of President Theodore Roosevelt who believed no man should be discriminated against because of where he was born, but insisted any immigrant who arrives on our shores should become an American in terms of faith, allegiance and language, “If he tries to keep segregated with men of his own origin and separated from the rest of America, then he isn’t doing his part as an American. We have room for but one soul loyalty, and that is loyalty to the American people.”

Contrast that with the New York scene Daniel Greenfield writes about in Frontpage Magazine,
Walk along Church Avenue and turn east onto McDonald Avenue and you will see where the old standards of working class Brooklyn give way to mosques and grocery stores selling goat meat. Mosques grow like mushrooms in basements, cell phone stores offer easy ways to wire money back to Bangladesh and old men glare at interlopers, especially if they are infidel women. This is where Mohammed Siddiquee settled a dispute the old-fashioned way by beheading his landlord.
A creeping sharia has immigrated into our America and like a cancer is spreading and attempting to take over its “host.” Greenfield notes that New York City has always had its micro communities of culture,
But Islam is not just a culture and the cultures who carry its baggage with them to the old worlds and the new are not toting it along like another ethnic food, a dialect or a national holiday. In Chinatown, Buddhist temples and protestant churches sit side by side and in Latino neighborhoods, Adventist storefront churches and massive Catholic edifices co-exist; along with them can be found synagogues, Hindu and Zoroastrian temples and the whole dizzying array of religious diversity of a port city defined by its swells and tides of immigrants.
As those of us not under the spell of political correctness know, Islam does not coexist. And in its “Al Hijra” views immigration, as Greenfield says, “a form of supremacist manifest destiny to colonize the Dar al-Harb (the non-Islamic world) and subdue it with sheer numbers or sheer force” -– just look at Europe if you need proof.

Greenfield points to Jamaica in Queens, where Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis plotted the mass murder of Americans and the bombing of the Federal Reserve, hoping to “destroy America.”..........

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