Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Mexico legalizes vigilante action groups

More power to the people to take care of the people in a much better format than used by the government. What's not to like?
The VICE vid is from several months ago.

From CBSNews:
"Self-defense" groups confronting a drug cartel in the western state of Michoacan have agreed to join government law enforcement forces after months of firefights with gang members, many times as federal police and troops stood by.

The government announced Monday that it had reached a deal with vigilante leaders to incorporate the armed civilian groups into old and largely forgotten quasi-military units called the Rural Defense Corps. Vigilante groups estimate their numbers at 20,000 men under arms.

"The self-defense forces will become institutionalized, when they are integrated into the Rural Defense Corps," the Interior Department said in a statement.

Vigilante groups began springing up almost a year ago against the Knights Templar cartel, which ruled many parts of Michoacan with an iron fist, demanding extortion payments from businesses, farmers and workers. The civilian forces have gained ground in recent months, seizing a number of towns from the gang, sometimes after intense gunbattles.

The rise in fighting proved an embarrassment for President Enrique Pena Nieto, drawing criticism that the administration brought on the rise of the armed groups by failing to stop the cartel's abuses, and the government hopes the agreement will help restore order and get it back in control........

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