Thursday, January 23, 2014

The blatant hypocrisy and double standards of those wishing us ill

IMO, demonizing Canada's oil sands is part of an intensive and extensive project, the only aim of which is to hit our economy.  Neil Young wants to damage our economy by pretending to care about the environment.  Many of us see his tactics for what they are but unfortunately there's  a multitude of  people who are unable to think for themselves and tend to believe everything that conniving people like Neil Young and his ilk choose to tell them.  This is a sad, lonely world for the less intelligent among us.  I pity them. Having pieces of paper to show capital letters after one's name does not an intellectual make. Moreover, in their blind ignorance, latching on to the CBC to be their guide dog while crossing a heavily congested road is pure folly ... especially when the guide dog is a bitch in heat.

Licia Corbella writing at CalgaryHerald:
....Nobody, other than perhaps   the President of the United States, has to fly on a private jet. To lecture others on the evils of oil production and global warming and then choose the most carbon-intensive way to travel, is hypocritical.

The defensiveness is clear. Any question that exposes his hypocrisy he calls “sophomoric.”

In light of the fact that Canada is the largest supplier of oil to the U.S., there’s no doubt that Young has used a lot of Alberta crude and bitumen flying around in those private jets. For someone who hates oil so much, he sure uses a lot of it.

During his four-city tour, Young made numerous other false statement about the oilsands, far too many to list here. For instance, he claimed that the oilsands produce the same amount of carbon dioxide on a daily basis as all the cars in Canada. Does he just pull this stuff out of thin air? According to Environment Canada’s Greenhouse Gas emissions inventory reports, transportation produces 24 per cent of Canada’s GHGs while the oilsands produce just seven per cent. And yet, the oilsands are responsible for about 25 per cent of the value on the Toronto Stock Exchange. That means jobs for us little people clear across the country, including aboriginals and everyone from bricklayers to boilermakers, engineers and nurses.

In total, Canada produces just two per cent of the world’s man-made GHGs, which means the oilsands are responsible for just 0.14 per cent. In 2012, U.S. coal-fired power plants produced roughly 25 per cent of the world’s man-made CO2. Why doesn’t Old Neil protest that?

Young has also stated that the reclamation of mined oilsand lands is a “myth.” Perhaps next time Young’s in the area he can see what it feels like to stand in the middle of a myth called a forest that was planted on a former mine site, where many species live and thrive.........

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