Thursday, January 23, 2014

Central African Republic (CAR) has the potential of becoming our present day "Vienna Offensive"

Throughout history, without a single exception,  the onslaught on peace and stability has come from Muslim hordes. Christians have taken up arms and fought back only when they had no other option. It's only of late that the CAR Christians have started giving back to the Muslims the same kind of fare they have been meting out to the Christian villages for almost a year.

Muslims make up approx. 15% of CAR's population but their ex-president who stepped down a few weeks ago, was  surprisingly of the Muslim faith although his first name was "Michel"  which is the French spelling of the Christian name "Michael" ... and although I haven't read more on the guy, he could have been a convert to islam for the convenience of marrying several wives.  

As we have seen in numerous other  "Christian" countries,  the Muslims know that Christians can be cowed down and their numbers mean nothing.  They boast amongst themselves that a Muslim 8-yr-old is equivalent to 10 Christian able-bodied men, one Muslim teen is equal to 20 Christian fully-armed men and one militant Muslim can take on 100 Christians even if they have a hundred guns.  Those are not empty boasts.  We keep seeing what Muslims can do.  But, would they be so strong without help from our own overlords in the West?

Let history note that the atrocities in CAR were initiated, as usual,  by Muslims.  It took several long months for the Christian youth of CAR to organize themselves and form defensive fronts and to further strengthen those into  very effective offensive ones. 

Part 2 here.

From ReliefWeb:
With brutality against children in the Central African Republic (CAR) reaching unprecedented levels as youngsters are maimed, killed and beheaded, and amid rampant sexual violence, the world community must use all the tools at its disposal to stop the conflict, the Security Council was warned today.

“This crisis has been looming for over a year and we have run out of time to prevent the violence from escalating,” UN Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict Leila Zerrougui told the 15-member body in a briefing on her visit to the impoverished war-torn country last month. “Our only option today is to scale up our response with robust, immediate and urgent actions.”

Nearly half a million children are among the almost 1 million driven from their homes in 13 months of violence, as many as 6,000 children may currently be associated with various armed forces and groups, and “today, the country is trapped in a spiral of vengeance, which has destroyed the social fabric and undermined trust among communities for generations to come,” she said.....

....Thousands of people are estimated to have been killed, and 2.2 million, about half the population, need humanitarian aid in a conflict which erupted when mainly Muslim Séléka rebels launched attacks in December 2012 and has taken on increasingly sectarian overtones as mainly Christian militias known as anti-Balaka (anti-machete) have taken up arms.

“I witnessed these communities pitted against one another; who have fled and sought refuge around churches and mosques,” Ms. Zerrougui said. “They are living in fear of being attacked or even of burying their dead. Entire villages have been burnt and are burning down as we speak here today.”...

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