Friday, January 24, 2014

Stealth Jihad initiated by our own Western governments and progressing very effectively

Nice!  Another refugee problem looming ... and why?  The answer is all too obvious.  If the powers-that-be had not interfered in the Syrian conflict, all for political reasons, nothing else, (and we know what those reasons were, even if some want to continue keeping their heads firmly lodged in the sand) the Western world would not have had to accept all the tens of thousands of Muslim refugees that have already started flooding North America. Ask yourselves this:  Why are we blaming Muslims for coming here when our own policies and our own overlords have been creating the influx of Muslims into the West? 

In January 2014 itself, by mid-January that too, according to the UN, 65K Iraqis have been displaced because of  Al Qaeda linked Saudi sponsored terrorism running rife in parts of Iraq.

In other important news, (listen to vid below) pilots are being made to sign documents which make them give up their constitutional rights and staple their eyes and mouths shut while illegal Muslims are brought into the country. I suspect the Muslims the pilot is talking about are refugees brought into the country by an airline on contract for the US government.

Sameer N Yacoub writing at IndependentUK:
...Over 140,000 Iraqis have fled from parts of Anbar province
in the west of the country, since security forces began clashing with al-Qa'ida militants in December.
Peter Kessler, the spokesman from the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, described the situation as “the largest” displacement witnessed in the country since the sectarian violence that took place between 2006 and 2008.

In the past week alone, 65,000 people had fled the conflict in the main Anbar cities of Ramadi and Fallujah, he confirmed.
“This is one of the most difficult situations we have seen in Iraq in a number of years,” he said.
Since December, members of Iraq's al-Qaida branch — known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant — have taken over parts of Ramadi, the capital of the largely Sunni province of Anbar.

They also control the centre of the nearby city of Fallujah.

As the violence intensified, families that abandoned their homes several weeks ago were forced to move again, he said, adding that many of the displaced are in desperate need of food, medical care and other aid.
Some displaced families have ended up in abandoned buildings, schools and half-built houses while others stay with relatives..........

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