Friday, January 24, 2014

Man-oh-Man ... oh Man!

Obama is taken apart, along with Obamacare.  Peggy Noonan at her best.  Below, just a few of the punches.

So the president's  State of the Union address is Tuesday night, and it's always such a promising moment, a chance to wake everyone up and say "This I believe" and "Here we stand." The networks are focused and alert, waiting to be filled with a president's excellence and depth. It's a chance for the American president to say whatever the storm, however high the seas, the union stands "rock-bottomed and copper-sheathed, one and indivisible." That's how Stephen Vincent Benet had Daniel Webster put it, in a play.......

......And here I think: Oh dear.

Because when I imagine Barack Obama's State of the Union, I see a handsome, dignified man standing at the podium and behind him Joe Biden, sleeping. And next to him John Boehner, snoring. And arrayed before the president the members, napping........

........Looking back on this presidency, it has from the beginning been a 17,000 word New Yorker piece in which, calmly, sonorously, with his lovely intelligent voice, the president says nothing, or little that is helpful, insightful or believable........

......The bigger problem is that the president stands up there Tuesday night with ObamaCare not a hazy promise but a fact. People now know it was badly thought, badly written and disastrously executed. It was supposed to make life better by expanding coverage. It has made it worse, by throwing people off coverage. And—as we all know now but did not last year—the program was passed only with the aid of a giant lie. Now everyone knows if you liked your plan, your doctor, your deductible, you can't keep them.

When the central domestic fact of your presidency was a fraud, people won't listen to you anymore.....

........Americans aren't impressed anymore by congressmen taking to their feet and cheering. They look as if they have electric buzzers on their butts that shoot them into the air when the applause line comes. "Now I have to get up and enact enthusiasm" is what they look like they're thinking. ......

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