Friday, January 31, 2014

Sarah Palin slaps Peggy Noonan .... hard!

Many of the MSM's  journalists are still in Obama's back pocket where they made their abode from 2008, however, some are now climbing out or giving that impression.  A bit too late, wouldn't you say?  Peggy Noonan is one of the escapees  ... for now.

Noonan's article is behind a pay wall,  I have copied/pasted whatever I could find from the few lines at the link and from her Facebook page.

Sarah Palin at her facebook page:
Great article, Peggy,  but where the heck were you when I and other commonsense conservatives were sounding the warning bell in '08? You joined the "cool kids" in mocking and condescendingly criticizing -- ultimately demanding that we "sit down and shut up." Better late than never, though, Peggy and your ilk, because, meanwhile back in America... 

Peggy Noonan at WallStreetJournal:
 The growing distance between  Washington and the public it dominates. The State of the Union was a spectacle of delusion and self-congratulation in which a Congress nobody likes rose to cheer a president nobody really likes. It marked the continued degeneration of a great and useful tradition. Viewership was down, to the lowest level since 2000. This year's innovation was the Parade of Hacks. It used to be the networks only showed the president walking down the aisle after his presence was dramatically announced. Now every cabinet-level officeholder marches in, shaking hands and high-fiving with breathless congressmen. And why not? No matter how bland and banal they may look, they do  have the power to destroy your life—to declare the house you just built as in violation of EPA wetland regulations, to pull your kid's school placement, to define your medical coverage out of existence. So by all means attention must be paid and faces seen.

I watched at home and thought: They hate it. They being the people, whom we're now supposed to refer to as the folks. But you look at the polls at how people view Washington—one, in October, had almost 9 in 10 disapproving—and you watch a kabuki-like event like this and you know the distance, the psychic, emotional and experiential distance, between Washington and America, between the people and their federal government, is not only real but, actually, carries dangers. History will make more of the distance than we do.....

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