Friday, January 31, 2014

Climate change and the benefits of it awaiting Canada and Russia

Below is a lefty version of  how Canada and Russia will benefit from climate change and how both countries' governments are in denial about "human-induced" warming of our planet.  Why are lefties so full of themselves?  Anyone who believes that the changes in climate that our Earth is experiencing has everything to do with man and nothing to do with Earth's relationship to the Sun are,  IMHO, arrogant individuals.

Paul Rogers writing at DemocracyNow:
....If long-term climate disruption is a reality, so is the prospect of short-term benefit for states such as Canada and Russia. But their governments' denial of climate change looks back not forward.....

.....The same trends of new sea routes and the massive new hydrocarbon exploitation are also set to occur in the north of Canada and Russia (see Øyvind Paasche, "The new Arctic: trade, science, politics", 7 April 2011). This is reflected in both Russia and Canada's new focus on enhancing naval forces suited to the Arctic, not least icebreakers.....

..........Yet the two largest countries bordering the region, Russia and Canada, are set to be beneficiaries from climate change, in two ways. First, as already major producers of fossil fuels, they will gain access to new resources in their Arctic regions. Second, a warming climate will allow their agriculture and people to “move north”. The counterpart is that the governments of both countries, led respectively by Vladimir Putin and Stephen Harper, refuse to accept that climate change is human-induced; both too want to intensify the exploitation of their own hydrocarbon resources, even though climate scientists overwhelmingly believe that this will make matters worse.....

.......The attitude of Ottawa and Moscow echoes that of the fossil-fuel industry, which equally refuses to accept the human-climate change link while happily seeing the Arctic opening up for business. The only small concession made by the industry and producer countries in recent years - taken with little fuss or public acknowledgment - is acceptance that the climate is changing, though the link is still a complete taboo.......

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