Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Sarah Palin on the SOTU address

Gov. Palin writing at her Facebook page:
...If you skipped huddling  around the TV last night for the State of the Union address because you’ve heard it all before, plus you were just busy with life, well… so did I. Putting the real world on hold to watch the fantasy declaration of “utopia’s-on-its-way” just isn’t efficient. 

My truck radio was tuned in though. And driving kids to and from ball games with me negotiating control of the dial allowed me to hear what I’d forebodingly anticipated. Later, reading the President's remarks on my cell phone made sitting on sticky steel bleachers (that exacerbate parents’ sore backs) that much more uncomfortable. It was all confirmation that we HAVE heard it all before – how more government is supposedly the answer. But the extreme hubris and naïveté that emanated from that speech was something new and alarming.

Ronald Reagan said the nine most frightening words in the English language are “I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” Well, last night's promise to grow even more unaffordable, unsustainable bureaucracy confirms we need rescuing from government like never before.

Consider all the “help” a bloated bankrupt federal government has given us…

In an attempt to “fix” our health care system, government has taken away our health insurance and forced us to buy worse plans we don’t want and can’t afford.

To “stimulate” the economy, government blew a trillion dollars on a failed stimulus scheme that sunk us deeper into such a pile of debt that our great-great-great grandchildren won’t be able to pay it off. And our government still wants to blow more money we don’t have on “investments” that will incur more deficits year after year.

To “lead” us to energy independence, government throws billions at bankrupt boondoggle green energy gimmicks that conveniently reward campaign donors. Meanwhile, the President stymies development of conventional resources that we actually use and he kills a pipeline that’s guaranteed to provide jobs and reliable energy...........

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