Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Atlanta has no experience whatsoever with snowy weather

Are  you pretending to  feel sorry for what the weather is doing this year to the people of the warm sunshiny places?  I am not!  Give them hell snow, Mother Nature, lots of it.   HAHAHAHAHA!  

Citizens of Atlanta need a crash snow course from citizens of Toronto. Atlanta gets a measly 2 inches of snow and the city goes berserk. Some reports claim that there were 1000+ accidents with 100+ injuries if not worse. Schools have been shut down.  Motorists abandoned their cars and begged refuge in stores to spend the night,etc.  

Yes ... people have been brought to their knees with a few snowflakes falling in places they usually don't make a landing.  Fun to watch !  One of these days, I hope to see how Californians will handle the white stuff from the sky ... we know they are experts with the other type.

Most people are blaming the government of Georgia for ... everything.  For poor regionalism planning, poor roads, no de-icing plans, etc.etc.etc.

From The Atlantic
How 2 Inches of Snow Created a Traffic Nightmare in Atlanta.....
....The issue is that you have three layers of government—city, county, state—and none of them really trust the other. And why should they? Cobb County just “stole the Braves” from the city of Atlanta. Why would Atlanta cede transportation authority to a regional body when its history in dealing with the region/state has been to carve up Atlanta with highways and never embrace its transit system? Why would the region/state want to give more authority to Atlanta when many of the people in the region want nothing to do with the city of Atlanta unless it involves getting to work or a Braves game?.....


  1. Two and a half inches of snow. Mindboggling. It was hilarious and amazing seeing those scenes of traffic mayhem, endless lines of stopped traffic. The dummies, who of course only have summer tires on(as one would expect in the land of cotton fields), should have had enough sense to stay home for crying out loud. Well I am sure most will next time. Now if they all get smart and have all season radial tires, there would not be a problem next time.

    1. I believe the traffic jam was because the govt. depts, the schools, the banks, traders and almost all businesses decided to close shop by midday and when some drivers found their cars were skidding, they were too scared to drive any further and parked their cars at the side of the road and that of course added to the jam as well.
      How did we manage to dilute our ancestors genes to this watery mess?


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