Wednesday, January 15, 2014

New wannabe Osama bin Laden is a product of the "train and release" US policy ?

I suspect very much that this guy was trained to be a double agent and hence his early release from US-controlled prison in Iraq.  However,  given the nature of the beast, he's turned the tables on the trainers. Think for a moment, if my theory is correct,  the extent of his knowledge in warfare tactics that he possesses courtesy the USA,  which he is now using against those he was supposed to work for.  The USA wouldn't have placed a 10M price on his head if this guy had not screwed them royally.  He must have walked away with millions from the CIA with promises of doing everything under the sun for his "new" masters. Hah!!

Colin Freeman writing at TelegraphUK:
....The FBI “most wanted” mugshot shows a tough, swarthy figure, his hair in a jailbird crew-cut. The $10 million price on his head, meanwhile, suggests that whoever released him from US custody four years ago may now be regretting it.
Taken during his years as a detainee at the US-run Camp Bucca in southern Iraq, this is the only known photograph of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the new leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq and Syria. But while he may lack the photogenic qualities of his hero, Osama bin Laden, he is fast becoming the new poster-boy for the global jihadist movement.
Well-organised and utterly ruthless, the ex-preacher is the driving force behind al-Qaeda’s resurgence throughout Syria and Iraq, putting it at the forefront of the war to topple President Bashar al-Assad and starting a fresh campaign of mayhem against the Western-backed government in Baghdad.
Last week, his forces fought open clashes with Iraqi army troops around the city of Fallujah - once known as the graveyard of the Americans - after brazenly attempting to seize control there the weekend before.....
......“This guy was a Salafi (a follower of a fundamentalist brand of Islam), and Saddam’s regime would have kept a close eye on him,” said Dr Michael Knights, an Iraq expert at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.
“He was also in Camp Bucca for several years, which suggests he was already considered a serious threat when he went in there.”
That theory seems backed by US intelligence reports from 2005, which describe him as al-Qaeda’s point man in Qaim, a fly-blown town in Iraq’s western desert.
“Abu Duaa was connected to the intimidation, torture and murder of local civilians in Qaim”, says a Pentagon document. “He would kidnap individuals or entire families, accuse them, pronounce sentence and then publicly execute them.”..........

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