Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Hilarious ...hahahhahahhaa

The UK is one of the main plotters and starters of wars in Muslim countries and then have the gall to "urge" other countries to step up donations for relief of "humanitarian emergencies" they themselves have caused.

The chutzpah is truly mind-boggling!

Every thinking person knows that the conflict in Syria has come about only because the "rebels" were given every kind of support from the Judeo-Christian countries based on the taqiyyah of the Sunni nations like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain and Qatar.  If the West ... primarily the USA and UK had not ventured headlong into the most horrendous enterprise of this decade,  the world would not have this crisis on its hand now.  A loss of an entire generation of Syrian youth, is a crime most horrid.  Nothing that the UNICEF or anybody can do will ever right the wrong done to the millions of Syrian children.  The next wave of terrorists, a decade or two from now, will come from the  Syrian kids of this moment  .... and I hope the areas of the world that will suffer from terrorist acts then, will remember what, who and how turned those kids into mindless killers.

From Govt.UK:
.....Britain leads the way at crucial Syria conference and urges other countries to step up.
Britain has announced a further £100 million to the UN's latest Syria crisis appeal, at the pledging conference in Kuwait.
Speaking from Kuwait at the Second International Humanitarian Pledging Conference for Syria, Ms Greening said the UK’s latest commitment reflected the deep concern of Britain towards the worsening plight of the Syrian people.

The unprecedented refugee crisis has meant that the UK has now committed over £600 million towards the Syria crisis, which is three times its response to any other humanitarian crisis. This new funding will help the UN meet critical humanitarian needs including schooling for Syrian children.

Justine Greening said:
“The scale of suffering that this crisis has caused is hard to exaggerate. Women and children are vulnerable to brutal violence and some have lost everything.
“This time last year the number of refugees in neighbouring countries was 515,000. Now it has reached 2.4 million. Meanwhile, we are hearing deeply concerning reports from inside Syria of people dying from malnutrition.
“The world cannot ignore what is happening to the Syrian people. Britain is determined to play its role in helping the 11 million Syrians who continue to suffer as a result of this crisis. As the situation grows worse the international community needs to make sure the UN has the resources it needs to help these people.”...........

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