Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Martin Singer, Dean of Arts at York University ... the dimmest of the dim

He's a perfect example of the kind of idiots found in plenty all over the North American campuses. To top it all, not only is Martin Singer dumber than dumb,  the York University's admin backed him all the way. That's the state of Administrations running our educational institutions these days.  Money from Muslim palms must be magical ... a $1000 donation to university coffers  must be multiplying faster and in more abundance than the wine at the wedding feast in Cana.

Emma Teitel writing at MacleansMag:
....Martin Singer, York’s dean of arts,   insisted that Grayson grant the student’s request for a woman-less semester because his quiet abstention from the class’s group work wouldn’t openly discriminate against his female peers. In other words, what York’s women didn’t know wouldn’t hurt them, so why not make the accommodation? Today, everybody in the country knows, and we aren’t hurt. We’re mad. From campus feminists to the likes of Conservative Justice Minister Peter MacKay, there is hardly a soul left in Canada who has not thrown shade at York’s administration—ever willing, apparently, to tolerate intolerance in the name of political correctness.
More maddening than its sexist kowtowing is the school’s hearty appetite for fictitious religious dogma. What’s gone practically unnoticed in this spirited debate about accommodation is the very thing that renders it moot. The religious proscription on which Grayson’s student based his accommodation request (thou shalt not be seen in public with women) may boil your blood, or make you want to renounce God almighty, but chances are it doesn’t exist. The boring truth is that neither Orthodox Judaism nor Islam, nor any noteworthy religion on the planet, forbids its adherents from meeting members of the opposite sex in public...........

Michele Mandel writing at QMIAgency:
.....Enough is enough.  
It's all well and good to be a welcoming, multicultural society that bends over backwards to respect everyone's faith and belief. But there are certain inalienable, bedrock truths that go along with living here that cannot and should not be bent to "accommodate" different value systems.

Gender equality is one of them.

And so it's shocking that a secular, publicly funded school of higher learning such as York University would insist that a professor agree to a male student's request to opt out of a group project because he doesn't want to interact with his female classmates due to religious reasons.
To his credit, sociology professor J. Paul Grayson has defied the decision by dean Martin Singer, and, with the backing of his department, told the student he must participate with women in his focus group assignment.
"We have to make a value choice," he told QMI Agency. "What's more important -- the rights of females who make up 54% of the population, or those of individuals with religious notions incompatible with egalitarianism?"............

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