Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Confession time for a wayward priest

This guy should be packed off to jail. 

Corinne Ton That writing at CTVNews:
.... A Catholic priest pleaded guilty  Monday to fraud and theft, after admitting to gambling away money stolen from Ottawa’s Blessed Sacrament Church.
Father Joseph LeClair admitted at his preliminary hearing Monday morning that he has a gambling problem, and that he defrauded the church of $130,000 over a five-year period.
He admitted to pocketing $16,000 from the collection plate, and thousands of dollars in fees from marriage preparation courses, to pay his gambling debts accrued at Casino Lac Leamy.....

........Ottawa police allege more than $240,000 was misappropriated from 2006 to 2011, while an additional $160,000 was unaccounted for. It’s alleged that $20,000 in furniture and household items belonging to the parish was also taken from the rectory when LeClair left the church. Police say the items were later recovered from a house outside of Ontario........

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