Monday, January 13, 2014

Genocide of Syrian-Christians in full swing with help from the Canadian and American governments

Canada's "Conservatives in name only"  CINOs not only gave financial aid to the "rebels" killing Christians, the fucking Canadian CINOs have given 1 Billion+ of taxpayers' money to countries that are  busy annihilating Christians as Blazing Cat Fur blog shows in tweet below.  Note that that money was given in just one year.

Andrew Doran writing at NationalReview:
...Fathallah Kabud climbed behind the wheel of the car, keenly aware of the danger that lay ahead. Perhaps he thought only of the task immediately before him, the drive through the checkpoints of war-ravaged Aleppo, which might distract him from contemplating the stark reality that he and his passengers were going, unarmed, to negotiate with ruthless murderers. Or perhaps he thought of his family. Or perhaps Fathallah, a devout Christian and deacon, simply prayed. One can only speculate as to his thoughts, for these were his last moments on earth.

In the car with Fathallah were Bishop John Ibrahim and Bishop Boulos Yazigi. Bishop Yazigi, brother of the Greek Orthodox patriarch of Antioch, had decided only hours before to join Bishop Ibrahim on this trip, an attempt to secure the release of two priests who had been kidnapped. Over the previous year, Bishop Ibrahim had negotiated the release of nearly two dozen hostages. Clergy had frequently been successful in Syria (as elsewhere in the Middle East) in negotiating the release of kidnapping victims — not only Christians but also Muslims, who often have as much to fear from the Islamist militants as do Christians.

The year before this fateful car ride, in the summer of 2012, the battle of Aleppo began. Foreign jihadists were already flocking to Syria, many of them war-hardened men from Central Asia and the Caucasus — among them Chechens who found in Syria a familiar maelstrom of blood and chaos in which they could thrive. The predominantly Islamist rebel factions are affiliated, ideologically if not organizationally, with al-Qaeda. These fighters are supported by the Sunni Gulf Arab states, which are eager to overthrow the Alawi regime of Syrian president Bashar Assad, an ally of Iran. They bring with them a new breed of barbarism..............

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