Monday, January 13, 2014

As expected, Palestinians say "La, La, La" to peace deal

The craziness of Israel's PM is all too evident in the number of hard-core prisoners the man has released without giving a second thought to the victims and the families of the victims.  And, what does he get in return?  Exactly what appeasers who try to please their enemies get. A big fat ZERO.  Let me shrill my mantra once again and this time it is aimed at the dyfunctional Israeli PM and his gang:  "Pleasing your enemies will never turn them into your loving buddies, NEVER"   Sadly, the Israeli PM seems to think otherwise.  His stance on several issues in the last four years have been so lunatic, but his fans can't see him doing anything wrong.

I sincerely hope Netanyahu does not agree to cede even an inch of Jerusalem, but I fear he might. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Over and above, the man might even allow the 80,000 Palestinians to relocate in Israeli like the USA wants him to. That number will probably double in two years and within five years will probably become 500K given how Muslims have more than one wife churning out babies every nine months.  You can do the math from there and figure out for yourselves whether it will be Jews or Muslims who will dominate Israeli politics by 2025.  Furthermore, the Palestinian side wants 200.000 to be relocated to Israel.  Yes ... imagine that!  They want a takeover of Israel by population numbers ... and a takeover as soon as possible. Why can't all the Jewish people the world over see that. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr !!   

From GlobalTimes:
Palestinians reject peace deal  excluding east Jerusalem as future capital  ....A senior Palestinian official stressed on Saturday that it is impossible to reach a peace agreement with Israel without having east Jerusalem as the capital of the future state of Palestine.

Nabil Abu Rdineh, the media aide to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, said in an emailed press statement that the Palestinians would never accept less than east Jerusalem being the capital of their future independent nation.
Abu Rdineh was commenting on earlier statements made by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who said that he refuses to negotiate the issue of Jerusalem.
Israel considers all Jerusalem, including its east captured in 1967, as the eternal capital of the state of Israel, while the Palestinians want the eastern part of the holy city to be the capital of their state.
"We refuse to delete any of the major permanent status issues, mainly Jerusalem and the Palestinian refugees' right to return, and also the release of all Palestinian prisoners from Israeli jails," said Abu Rdineh....

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