Monday, December 30, 2013

Wahhabi bastards in Saudi Arabia buying massacred Syrian-Christian blood at $100,000 a bottle

Sr. Hatune Dogan is a brave nun who also doubles as a psychotherapist, nurse and teacher to Christians in the countries undergoing a holocaust of Christians. What follows below is only a small part of the horrors visited on Christians by "rebels" who have been armed, funded and trained by our own governments of the West.

A holocaust of Christians going on in our own day and age and yet the head of the Catholic Church has the audacity to preach love and understanding?  Where are the Crusaders when we need them?

Joseph Parker writing at Examiner:
...A Turkish-born Orthodox nun,   Sister Hatune Dogan, recently presented her findings, of atrocities against Christians in Syria, to a conference in Germany. She conducted an independent investigation of how Christians were being treated at the hands of radical Muslims.....

..........The video has a radical Muslim towering over a kneeling hostage, who we find out is a Christian from Baghdad named Joseph, as a statement of hate and rage is read over him. The nun explains, "it's their (radical Muslims) ceremony when the jihadists slaughter people."
The video has the extremists saying the usual things like, "you will be sacrificed for God" and "we only fulfill the word of God," before they behead Joseph. The video was given to the nun by Joseph's sister.....

......Toward the end of the Youtube video, the nun says she asked the man, "what do you do with the blood you collect?" Dogan then drops a startling revelation by saying the man told her, "that's a big business." The man tells her, "a small bottle of Christian blood sent to the fanatics in Saudi Arabia is worth $100,000.".........

From LaStampa (Google translation from  Italian)
....Hatune said the images  showed at the conference, relating to acts of cruelty committed by Islamic fundamentalists from over 80 different countries who are fighting against the government in Syria of Damascus and says: "I met this woman in Aleppo, Syria. She and her nine year old daughter were raped in front of her husband .... I met this woman in Damascus, his family, six people were slaughtered before his eyes, and I use the word deliberately slaughtered. She is the only one left alive, and we're trying to help ... This girl ... she and her sister were kidnapped, held for months in a room and raped. And in the end they cut off the left breast because it was not paid enough money for the ransom ... In total I talked to 218 girls who were abducted, raped and then redeemed. Thirteen of them have cut their lips, and three have cut off her breasts. I do not know how many there are cases where there is no news, I only speak of the ones I know personally. "  
Then shows the execution of a Christian slain: "I had 174 videos like these from their families." And then he says again, and this is the most amazing part: "I met one of the killers had serious psychological problems, he left everything and became a Christian. I asked: 'What do you do with the blood of the victims, you collect?'. He replied, 'It's a big business. A small bottle of Christian blood in Saudi Arabia is paid 100 thousand dollars. Who washes his hands with the blood is as if they were participating in the sacrifice. '" .............

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