Monday, December 30, 2013

Paul Hellyer, staunch Liberal, former Minister of Defence, staunch believer that aliens from outer worlds are residing here on Earth

Whether you want to believe it or not,  this man used to be the Defence Minister of Canada during the reign of  Pierre Trudeau's Prime Ministership. It's more than probable that many of his brothers and sisters in the Liberal party believed in the same nonsense he does.  

The part that scares me the most about this sordid tale is the fact that this man was  not only the Defence Minister of Canada he was also one of the topmost Liberal politicians at that time and almost beat Trudeau to the party's leadership. What does that say about the other Liberal members ?   

Go to the link to watch the interview  with RT's Sophie Shevardnadze which aired last night. Below is part of the transcript:

"If we down at least one UFO we'll   be facing an interstellar war"  - Former Defense Minister of Canada

He was Canadian minister of Defense in 1960s, ruling over the country’s armed forces during the time of the Cold War – and when he retired he publicly stated that we are not alone in the universe, and some guests from outer space actually live here, on planet Earth. Is this fantasy? Is someone actually watching us? Today we ask the man who says UFOs are a serious business – Paul Hellyer.

Sophie Shevardnadze: Our guest today is the Honorable Paul Hellyer, former minister of Defense of Canada, and he believes that life forms from space are present on Earth. It’s great to have you on our show. Why do you say that UFOs are as real as airplanes flying over our heads?

Paul Hellyer: Because I know that they are. As a matter of fact, they’ve been visiting our planet for thousands of years and one of the cases that would interest you most if you give me two or three minutes to answer is that during the Cold War, 1961, there were about 50 UFOs in formation flying south from Russia across Europe, and Supreme Allied Command was very concerned and about ready to press the “Panic” button when they turned around and went back over the North Pole. They decided to do an investigation and they investigated for 3 years and they decided that, with absolute certainty, four species - at least – had been visiting this planet for thousands of years. We have a long history of UFOs and of course there has been a lot more activity in the last few decades, since we invented the atomic bomb and they are very concerned about that and the fact that we might use it again, and because the Cosmos is a unity and it affects not just us but other people in the Cosmos, they are very much afraid that we might be stupid enough to start using atomic weapons again, and this would be very bad for us and for them as well.

SS: No serious scientist has ever publicly confirmed evidence of an encounter with extra-terrestrials – why would scientists not confirm the facts if they exist?

PH: I’m afraid they must go out of their way not to find out. Even if they do 10 percent of the amount of research I’ve done in the last 8 years they would be as convinced as I am. I mean, they could do it even faster. Might take it a little longer, when they didn’t have military background, but there are so many wonderful books that tell these stories and they’ve been authenticated; the sightings have been authenticated by more than one witness and also by radar, and they have landed in various places around the world, including Russia. There’s famous case there, I can’t remember the name of the place, but it was widely reported at the time, a man wrote a book about it and then the French bought the book rights so it wouldn’t be circulated around….....

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