Friday, October 4, 2013

The Useless Nitwits' (UN) never-ending supply of foxes to guard hen houses

Unbelievable!!!  The most blatant criminals of the world are found inside the UN.  

Zach  Pontz writing at Algemeiner:
Iran was elected Tuesday by United Nations member states to serve as the rapporteur of the UN First Committee on Disarmament and International Security. Iran, which had lobbied for the position for months, also serves as chair of the Non-Aligned Movement, the largest bloc of nations at the UN.

The American Jewish Committee expressed its outrage at the development on Wednesday, saying in a statement that “Rewarding Iran for misbehavior is a tragic stain on the UN.”

“The country that today is the number one threat to global security should be the last one to lead UN initiatives on disarmament,” AJC Executive Director David Harris said. “Iran’s quest for nuclear-weapons capability, its longstanding support for international terrorist groups, its interference in Syria and other Middle East countries, among other military adventures, should have automatically disqualified Iran from such an influential position in the world body.”

The Anti Defamation League also issued a damning statement, calling the appointment “the height of hypocrisy.”..........

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