Friday, October 4, 2013

Italy ... the poor dear. Wants EU's help to deal with refugee influx.

HAHAHAHAHA!  Italians!!   I laughed aloud when I read "Europe's identity is at stake". Some areas of  Europe DO NOT ANY LONGER  have an European identity... at least not in the cities.  Especially France and Italy.  I have been to both countries and if an accurate consensus is taken today,  the Muslim refugees of North Africa and refugees from Sri Lanka would make up at least one third of the population of Italy ... maybe more.  As for France,  Algerians have taken over along with natives of  the ex-France colonies.  Europe is gone to the Caliphate. PERIOD!!

From EuroNews:
...Thursday’s deadly boat disaster off Lampedusa has renewed pressure from Italy for more help from the European Union to combat the longstanding migrant crisis in the Mediterranean.

In Italy’s parliament, Interior Minister Angelino Alfano said that this was a challenge facing the EU as a whole and not just Italy, arguing that Europe’s identity is at stake.

“A state that does not protect its borders does not exist,” Alfano said in an emotional address. “So Europe must decide whether ‘to be or not to be’. Europe must decide whether to protect its own borders because protecting its borders will protect its own citizens but also protect from death those who are travelling across the borders, without protection, in the hands of the merchants of death, without insurance, without anything.”.........

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