Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Subjugation of Sheriff Joe Arpaio

Behold the dying days of America!   America the Great goes half way to the other side of the world to kill people of nations that have done America no harm ... however,   people invading America with possible intent to destroy it,  are not to be touched but left alone to carry on with the destruction.  

JJ Hensley writing at ArizonaCentral:
....Four months ago, U.S. District Court Judge Murray Snow    ruled that Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s immigration-enforcement efforts had violated the constitutional rights of thousands of Latinos. 

On Wednesday, Snow issued a follow-up ruling that maps out the future for day-to-day operations of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office. ......

Outreach ordered
Snow expressed some skepticism in hearings this year about the need for him to order Arpaio to engage in some sort of community outreach, but the order included requirements that, within three months of the ruling’s effective date, the Sheriff’s Office needs to hire a bilingual deputy to serve as a community-liaison officer. 

In addition, the ruling creates a six-member community advisory board — three appointed by the Sheriff's Office and three by the ACLU — to meet at least three times per year to ensure dialogue between the Sheriff’s Office and community leaders......

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