Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Quebec controversy: Question for the Muslim women in Canada

Muslim women in Quebec are in an uproar because of the govt's initiative to ban their hijabs and such in the workplace.  Why are Muslim women not in an uproar when they go to do their Hajj and MUST uncover their faces and mingle with men,  whether those men be their relatives or not?

Go to approx. the 2.19 minute point in the vid below which shows that even in their holiest of places, Muslim women are unveiled and praying alongside men.  There must be other instances  but I didn't want to waste my time watching any more of the vid.

How hypocritical is the cult of islam!  In Mecca while performing Hajj they prance around without face coverings and when they migrate to non-Muslim lands they want to show infidels their defiance by insisting that the head and face coverings are their religious edicts?  Shame!  The hypocrisy of Muslims know no bounds.   

Here's what a guide for women performing Hajj says:
...A woman in Hajj should not cover her face or wear gloves,   just as a male should not cover his head. There is no difference of opinion on this issue, based on the clear statement of the Prophet of Allah (peace be upon him), "The Muhrimah (a female in Ihram) should not cover her face, nor should she wear gloves." .........

From CTVNews:
A Quebec woman’s coalition says there has   been an increase in the number of reported attacks against veiled Muslim women since the introduction of the province's proposed Charter of Quebec Values.
The plan, if passed, would restrict public employees from donning overt religious articles such as hijabs, niqabs, turbans and kippas in the workplace.
Members of the Regroupement des centres de femmes du Quebec say they are concerned after an increase in the number of reported physical and verbal attacks against veiled Muslim women.....

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