Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Stand with Ezra Levant ... he's the #1 freedom fighter for the #1 fundamental freedom of a human being, the Freedom of Speech

See for yourselves what our Canadian politicians have done to the citizens of Canada.  Very soon we might even change the name of our country to "Canadistan." Don't laugh... it can happen, believe you me!

Stand with Ezra

The vid below is from the first time the enemies of  freedom of speech  went after him a few years ago.  Since then, the enemies of freedom have multiplied ten-fold in Canada and lawfare from Muslims, socialists and atheists has become the order of the day.

Joseph Brean writing at NationalPost:
‘Exceedingly political’ libel case pits free speech advocate Ezra Levant against ‘master of lawfare’.  Getting to trial is rarely a speedy business in Canada’s courts, but a libel case that starts Tuesday in Toronto is exceptional for how much has changed since it was launched nearly five years ago, in the heat of Canada’s first online culture war.

Pitting a Regina lawyer against a nationally known television personality who describes himself as “one of Canada’s premier advocates of free expression,” Khurrum Awan v. Ezra Levant is one of several defamation suits that arose from the fight over hate speech bans in human rights law.

Court documents indicate this week’s trial will turn on Mr. Awan’s claim that Mr. Levant, on his blog in 2009, “variously described [him] as “Khurrum Awan the liar,” “stupid, a “fool,” a “serial, malicious, money-grubbing liar,” and “unequivocally implied that he was an anti-Semite and perjurer.”

Back then, Mr. Awan was a law student, and the public face of a hate speech complaint against Maclean’s magazine, citing columnist Mark Steyn and Barbara Amiel among others, and backed by the Canadian Islamic Congress. Now he is a lawyer in Saskatchewan who has recently acted for plaintiffs against drug companies....

Read Ezra Levant's article in the TorontoSun dated Oct.11 to learn more about how his enemies want to crucify him.
Price of freedom is high.  

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