Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Saudi Arabia and UAE stocking up on US-made weapons to the tune of almost $11 Billion.

No wonder Americans holding a big piece of the pie at corporations making weapons, love Saudi Arabia.  It's all about money, baby ... all about money!

From AlArabiya:
....Saudi Arabia, UAE seek $10.8 billion in U.S. weapons. Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are seeking $10.8 billion in U.S.-made weapons, according to notifications on the Pentagon website.
The deal with the U.S. Defense Department includes air-launched cruise missiles and other weapons made by Boeing and Raytheon, according to Bloomberg.
Saudi Arabia is seeking to purchase $6.8 billion in missiles, bombs, launch systems and other ordnance, while the UAE is seeking approval for a similar order valued at an estimated $4 billion, according to Pentagon notifications quoted by the Associated Press.
If the deals go ahead, they will be the latest of several multi-billion-dollar purchases of U.S. military equipment by the Gulf states. Lawmakers will now review the deals, which can be blocked by the U.S. Congress.
The deal would also include weapons that can be launched at a distance from Saudi F-15 and U.A.E. F-16 fighters, Bloomberg reported.

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