Sunday, October 13, 2013

Our suicide bombing allies in Syria detonate car bombs targeting CW inspectors' hotel and Syrian TV bldg

The suicide car bombers are doing quite a bit of damage, aren't they?  Maybe it's about time Canada added more funds to the $5.3 Million already given to the "opposition"  to up the ante and get rid of "dictator" Assad and his regime a bit quicker. Some tweets seem to indicate that more than 5 areas were targeted by suicide bombers all within few minutes of each other.  We will know more on this perhaps a bit later.

What a wonderful world!  Expect our Canadian jihadis to come back (those who were not sent to the 72 virgin corpses) fully graduated with top scores in the art of bomb-making and,  hey ... all is not lost.  Our used car dealerships will do a roaring business getting rid of cars in which our lovable jihadis can house those **boom boom**  making devices.  Lovely!  Don't forget to send those Thank You cards to your MPs.... they love Muslim immigrants.

From RTNews:
Syrian TV, chemical inspectors’ hotel targeted  in bomb attacks in Damascus - report.  Multiple bomb blasts have rocked the Syrian capital of Damascus, a mortar attack on Syrian TV among them, reports RT’s correspondent at the scene.
Suicide bombers blew up two booby-trapped cars near the General Organization of Radio and TV in Damascus, state TV reported. 
RT correspondent Paula Slier said that two security guards were confirmed dead in the blasts while two suicide bombers died in their cars. ........

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