Sunday, October 13, 2013

Million Veterans March on Washington DC ....and the media is caught sleepwalking as usual

The alphabet big media is silent and ignoring the march. Looks like the idiots will take longer to realize that they have become irrelevant in the age of alternative media like twitter, blogs, etc.  

Plenty of pics  at WeaselZippers blog.

From RalphHall House:
This morning, Rep. Ralph Hall (TX-04) attended the Million Veterans March  at the World War II Memorial. The rally, with location points across the Nation, met to draw attention to the Administration’s unfair treatment of veterans with its decision to barricade open-air memorials during the government shutdown.  
“As a navy pilot in World War II and someone who grew up in a military family – my father was a World War I veteran and my brother fought in both theaters during World War II – I understand the frustrations fellow veterans feel with this Administration,” said Hall. “The decision to lock veterans out of a memorial built in remembrance of their service to this great country is a dishonor to the sacrifice of all veterans who have served, as well as the troops who are serving today. It is equally unfair to the military families and friends who lost loved ones and would like to pay tribute to their fallen heroes, but are unable to do so.”
Hall continued, “It is my hope that Congress and the President will come to a budget negotiation soon, but in the meantime, the President should reopen all open-air memorials. American citizens should be allowed to properly pay tribute to the servicemen and women who bravely fought on their behalf.”

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