
Thursday, September 5, 2013

Uh oh!! What's this? Liar Kerry's count of dead bodies disputed by credible source.

I was wondering why I didn't see anywhere that he specifically mentioned the date ... August 21.  All accomplished liars and almost all lawyers tend to deceive in almost the same way Kerry did.   They leave a little loophole to slimily wiggle their way out, just in case they are confronted with the truth.  If Kerry is confronted today and asked why he said there  were nearly "1500 dead from a chemical attack when the actual confirmed deaths on August 21 are almost 1000 less"  than the figure he gave, he would calmly say he was counting the dead of  August 21 PLUS the deaths on other days by same method and all deaths are to be blamed on the regime.  Or, like in the case of Benghazi and in the footsteps of  the other liar Hillary Clinton, he will say "What  does it matter now?  There were chemical attacks and they are dead. Does it really matter how many"

From CTVNews:
.....With Obama struggling to gain international backing    for a strike, Putin urged him to reconsider his plans. "We have to remember what has happened in the last decades, how many times the United States has been the initiator of armed conflict in different regions of the world, said Putin, a strong Assad ally. "Did this resolve even one problem?"
Even the administration's casualty estimate was grist for controversy.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, an organization that monitors casualties in the country, said it has confirmed 502 deaths, nearly 1,000 fewer than the American intelligence assessment claimed.
Rami Abdel-Rahman, the head of the organization, said he was not contacted by U.S. officials about his efforts to collect information about the death toll in the Aug. 21 attacks.
"America works only with one part of the opposition that is deep in propaganda," he said, and urged the Obama administration to release the information its estimate is based on......

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