
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

So.... the USA-trained terrorists in Syria are well-versed in firing iPad-guided mortars but they are not capable of firing chemical weapons?

A world's morals  turned upside down.  Our leaders want us to believe that our enemies are not our enemies but our allies and that in order to save people, we have to  kill even more people. Our leaders want us to believe  that the Muslim Brotherhood's governance of the Middle East is the ideal kind of  governance that is needed and desired in the Middle East.   If we let them brainwash us with their dreadful madness,  we have not only lost our sanity but sold our souls  to the evil side.  Don't let it happen people.  Go with your conscience.  Every one of us has one.

Drew Guarini writing at HuffingtonPost:
....If there was ever a time   that the mind-numbing cliche "there's an app for that" was really apt, this may just be it.

Mohamed Abdellah of Reuters took an incredible photo of Free Syrian Army rebels on Sunday as they used an iPad to guide mortar fire in the country's brutal civil war outside of Damascus.
Speculation around the photo has suggested that the rebels are using an iPad app such as iHandy Level Free to aim the mortars in the absence of sights.

"It is something they have been using for a while," Eliot Higgins, a British-based weapons analyst, told the Times of London. "Some are also using smart phones. It’s quite common."

Though civilians may be surprised to see a tablet used in the context of war, Apple anticipated it. The licensing agreement all iTunes users sign reads: "You also agree that you will not use these products for any purposes prohibited by United States law, including, without limitation, the development, design, manufacture or production of nuclear, missiles, or chemical or biological weapons."

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