Thursday, September 19, 2013

Pedophiles in preschool classes ?

Disgusting!  What kind of monsters are these mutants?  I refuse to believe that these people are human beings the way humans were meant to be.

From CBS Local:
Preschool Teacher Removed   From Classroom After Allegedly Playing Tongue Touching Game.  
Parents at Broadoaks Children’s School of Whittier College learned last night about the removal of a teacher following allegations that he played a tongue touching game with a preschool student in February.

The alleged incident was first reported to school officials months ago but parents only got word of it last night during a meeting with administrators.

CBS2′s Jeff Nguyen spoke to parents and the school’s director.

One parent, who didn’t want to be identified, said, “You know when your kids start school, the first thing you look at is safety. And you put a lot of research into what is a good school for them. It’s hard when you think you found the right school and it’s not it.”

Dr. Judith Wagner, the school’s director, says she couldn’t tell parents about the alleged incident because she was asked not to by investigators.

“That the investigation was to be thorough and that our obligation was to be confidential throughout,  we lived up to that,” said Dr. Wagner.......

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