
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Billionaire Jewish Americans lobbying for World War III

Disgusting !!!   All this goes to prove that billionaires, whether they be Jewish or not,  hold Obama's balls and the balls of  dinosaurs like McCain,  in a firm hard grip.  Ugly, ugly, ugly!!!   Why can't Israel fight her own wars?  Why not attack the right country... Iran?  Go attack Iran and then the world's policeman and the UK and the rest of the English-speaking world will stand by you and support you with everything they have. However, these underhanded tricks are vomit-inducing.  Moreover, Israel's unholy alliance with the worst enemy of  not only the Israelis but the Jewish people  and Christians worldwide, the most evil Saudi Arabia is teeth-gnashing disgusting.  

From Bloomberg:
... Adelson New Obama Ally as Jewish Groups Back Syria Strike.  Lobbying on Syria has inspired coalitions of the unlikely, aligning President Barack Obama with Sheldon Adelson, the Republican billionaire who spent about $70 million trying to defeat him last year, in the push for a military response to the use of chemical weapons.
Opponents of U.S. military intervention in the civil war-torn Middle Eastern country include Occupy Wall Street, which protests against Wall Street profits; Code Pink, an anti-war group; and the Russians.
Interest groups and activists are ratcheting up their advocacy ahead of the Sept. 9 return of Congress to Washington, when lawmakers will take up Obama’s request for authorization of a limited military strike. The request came after U.S. officials concluded that Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad’s regime on Aug. 21 fired chemical weapons into rebel-held areas near Damascus that killed more than 1,400 people, including 400 children.
“For our credibility, we have to do something,” said Morris Amitay, founder of the pro-Israel Washington Political Action Committee...........

..........The pro-Israel community contributed $14.5 million to federal campaigns for the 2012 elections, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. That’s more than the $11.1 million in donations by the defense aerospace industry, one of the biggest and most consistent political contributors.
While most of the Jewish groups’ donations lean Democratic, Adelson alone transformed the 2012 Republican primary when he and his wife used $15 million in private funds to sustain the unsuccessful candidacy of former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and then poured $53 million into groups advancing Republican nominee Mitt Romney. In all, Adelson and his wife donated $93 million to Republican causes in the 2012 campaign, center data shows..........

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