
Thursday, September 5, 2013

ALBA countries to make stance at the UN against military intervention in Syria

What is ALBA? Read about it   here.    

Which countries are members? Bolivia, Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Ecuador and others     

While holidaying in Virginia last year,  I was in Washington DC for a few days and attended a Bolivian "fiesta". Before that,  I had no idea about Bolivia other than that it was a South American country so I was floored when I saw that the Bolivians  have a very strong presence in the USA. There were thousands of Bolivians in the parade itself and thousands more lining the sidewalks as spectators.  I spoke to more than a dozen of the spectators  inquiring if they too were originally from Bolivia and not a single one said they were from elsewhere.  I tend to think of all South Americans as Mexicans....that assumption I found is far from the truth. 

I had my picture taken with a guy who looked like Elvis in costume... LOL.    The vid below shows part of that parade.  I believe they have such parades annually  in DC, New York and other parts of the USA.

The political council of the Bolivarian Alliance   for the Peoples of Our Americas (ALBA), comprised of the foreign ministers of the nine member countries, will hold an extraordinary session in the Venezuelan capital city of Caracas on Friday to take a stance against US attempts to military intervention in Syria.

The meeting was called for by Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, who has expressed his categorical rejection of war and concern over the situation in Syria.

During a meeting with social activists of the Francisco de Miranda Front at the Miraflores Presidential Palace, the head of state said that ALBA will debate the issue of Syria and sign an accord of solidarity with the Middle Eastern country.

“The Syrian people are a noble, proud, and strong people. The Syrian people have taken down empires in uneven fights,” Maduro said on Venezolana de Televisión.

He said that U.S. imperialism is working to consolidate a Third World War and assured that “the consequences for humanity could be very grave.”

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Elías Jaua said that in a conversation with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, they agreed to “initiate a process of consultation in the heart of the United Nations with the nonaligned countries to take action and establish a public position.”

He also said that he had also spoken with Russian Foreign Minister Sergéi Lavrov, who expressed that all efforts should be made to avoid a military intervention.

“U.S. military aggression will only cause the violent opposition in Syria to continue its armed struggle and leave aside the path of dialogue,” Jaua said.

He indicated that the foreign ministers of countries in the Middle East and Africa said that the role of Latin America is fundamental in establishing public opinion against the aggression.

Jaua also said that Latin America has set an example by finding democratic solutions to its conflicts, a fact that has been recognized around the world and bolstered by regional integration groups like ALBA, the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR), and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States 

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