Monday, August 26, 2013

Will CNN, ABC,AP, Reuters, MSNBC, FoxNews, CBS and the rest of the blind MSM giving the killing of 99 yr old Fanny Gumbinger by a black man even 0.1% of the coverage they gave the Trayvon Martin's case?

You can bet  your bottom dollar they won't !!!!   This is Obama's America where the "journalists" of each and every "news" outlet want only to take a sniff of Obama's pants so they can drop down to the floor in a swoon.

POUGHKEEPSIE - Police have arrested    a man they say killed a woman nearly 80 years his senior inside her Hudson Valley home.
Poughkeepsie City Police say 20-year-old Javon Tyrek Rogers was arraigned Saturday, charged with burglary and first-degree murder in the death of 99-year-old Fannie Gumbinger. They say he was arrested at 11 p.m. Friday night.
Gumbinger's body was found Wednesday morning after a caretaker suspected something was wrong inside the woman's house and called police. An autopsy Thursday determined that Gumbinger died from multiple injuries inside the home she'd lived alone in since her husband's death in 2007...........

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