Sunday, August 25, 2013

News about hellholes ........ August 25

Police stopped an attempt to smuggle   trailers filled with large amounts of Captagon pills into Syria Saturday, Lebanese security sources said.
Six trailers heading to Syria were seized by a patrol of the Internal Security Forces in the town of Saadnayel in the Bekaa Valley.
The trailer trucks were accompanied by another vehicle, a blue Nissan Sunny, which had three Syrians in it.

Twin bombings rock mosques   in Tripoli, Lebanon.  A pair of blasts in Lebanon, the magnitude of which have not been seen since the 1980s, is raising fears of heightening sectarian tensions.
The two powerful explosions ripped through neighborhoods near mosques in the northern Lebanese city of Tripoli on Friday.
At least 27 people died and 600 were wounded in the bombings, Lebanese Red Cross head George Kettanah said. State media reported that the toll could be much higher.

Funerals are being held    for the 47 people who were killed in twin explosions in the northern Lebanese city of Tripoli.
Mourners buried dozens killed in coordinated bombings outside two Sunni Muslim mosques as the country observed a day of national mourning on Saturday under heavy security.......

The leader of an al-Qaida linked militia    fighting to overthrow the Syrian government has vowed to take revenge for what he says was Damascus' use of chemical weapons that killed hundreds of people.
Jabhat al-Nusra leader Abu Mohammed al-Golani's comments came in an audio recording posted Sunday on a militant website that usually carries al-Qaida and similar groups' statements. It also appeared on the group's Twitter and Facebook accounts.
The authenticity of the claim could not be immediately verified.
Al-Golani said he plans to target Shiite Muslim villages........

.....Four hundred tons of arms sent into Syria from     Turkey in last 24 hours: Opposition.  Four hundred tons of arms have been sent into Syria from Turkey to boost insurgent capabilities against Syrian government forces, opposition sources said, after a suspected chemical weapons strike on rebellious suburbs of Damascus. 
The source said the Gulf-financed shipment, which crossed from the Turkish province of Hatay in the past 24 hours, was one of the single biggest to reach rebel brigades since the uprising against President Bashar al-Assad turned violent two years ago. 
"Twenty trailers crossed from Turkey and are being distributed to arms depots for several brigades across the north," Mohammad Salam, a rebel operative who witnessed the crossing from an undisclosed location in Hatay, told Reuters.......

President Obama will likely bomb   Bashar Assad’s regime in Syria. Here is the logic—and limits—for the president’s plan of attack.....
.....But where can Obama turn for the legitimacy of a multinational alliance? Nobody has yet said, but a possible answer is, once again, NATO—this time led perhaps by Turkey, the alliance’s easternmost member, whose leaders are very concerned by the growing death toll and instability in Syria just across their southern border.
The weapons that NATO used—and, more important, did not use—in Kosovo are also likely to appeal to President Obama. Clinton was insistent that no U.S. ground troops be sent to aid the Albanians and told his commanders to keep from losing a single American in the fight, if possible.........

Syria warns US against military action.  Syria warned the US against action over a suspected poison gas attack, saying it would "create a ball of fire that will inflame the Middle East".  
President Bashar al-Assad's closest ally Iran also said Washington should not cross the "red line" on Syria, where doctors accused his forces of a poison gas attack that killed hundreds last week...........

....According to the Alternative Informatics Association,    Twitter's July cleanup of fake accounts mistakenly resulted in the deletion of some real accounts, while members of the association claim that during the Gezi Park protests, a special cyber unit working for the government gathered data illegally on Twitter, since the corporation does not share users' personal information.
Though the group sees no link between the Turkish Information Technologies and Communications Authority (BTK) president's visit to Twitter, they believe that Turkey requesting that Twitter open an office in Turkey is aimed at taxing the company and making restrictions that contradict Twitter's business ethics.......

...A Saudi prince expressed grave concerns   that Saudi King Abdullah’s support for the ouster of Egyptian president can make ground for an uprising against the Saudi government and king’s removal.
In a Twitter post on his page, Khaled bin Talal bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud criticized his country’s full support for the Egyptian army in the removal of president Mohammed Mursi and warned that agreeing to Mursi’s ouster can be observed as a license to those who are planning for the removal of King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz.......

Take a Look at Saudi Arabia’s    First Anti-Domestic Violence Ad.

 ...Health officials confirmed   Wednesday that bats in Saudi Arabia were the source of the mysterious virus that has sickened 96 people in the Middle East, killing 47 of them.
The outbreak of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, or MERS, has been going on for 15 months, with most victims falling ill in Saudi Arabia and others growing sick after having traveled to the Middle East. In a study released Wednesday, an international team of doctors blamed coronavirus in bats for the human outbreak, but said that many questions remained, in part because a perfect match for the virus was found in only a single insect-eating bat out of about 100 Saudi bats tested. And since such bats do not normally bite people, drool on fruit or do other things that might transmit the disease to people, it was still unclear how the virus leapt to humans.
The bat is a Taphozous perforatus, or Egyptian tomb bat, which roosts in abandoned buildings, and the virus was found in a fecal sample.

.....Team involved in tracking Benghazi suspects pulling out, sources say.
Two weeks after the Obama administration announced charges against suspects in the Benghazi attack, a large portion of the U.S. team that hunted the suspects and trained Libyans to help capture or kill them is leaving Libya permanently. 
Special operators in the region tell Fox News that while Benghazi targets have been identified for months, officials in Washington could "never pull the trigger." In fact, one source insists that much of the information on Benghazi suspects had been passed along to the White House after being vetted by the Department of Defense and the State Department -- and at least one recommendation for direct action on a Benghazi suspect was given to President Obama as recently as Aug. 7.  ........

 ...Preliminary analysis of alleged chemical weapons and munitions used by independent blogger analyst.

...ALI ZAIDAN, Libya’s prime minister,    is not given to hyperbole. A lawyer and former dissident, he tends to be studious, even dull, in his pronouncements. So it was a mark of the seriousness of strikes that have paralysed the country’s oil ports that he threatened to “bomb from the air and sea” any tanker illicitly taking on oil at the behest of the strikers. This threat, coupled with another to send troops to take control of the blockaded oil terminals, coincides with Libya’s worst crisis since the uprising that overthrew Muammar Qaddafi two years ago. ..........

All kind of proposals come from the hellholes. It's up to the West whether we want to join them at the hip or not.  Was this  staged?  I don't know.  Supposed to have happened in a Dubai mall and  the vid has collected almost 2 million views since its posting 3 days ago.  

....The foreign ministers of Turkey and Qatar   held a joint press conference on Saturday where they urged Egypt to “return to the path of legitimacy and democracy.”
The two countries, which have taken firm positions against the military-backed ouster of former president Mohamed Morsi, called on Egypt to placate all parties in the ongoing political crisis to avoid further conflict.

“The stances of Turkey and Qatar on the situation in Egypt are the same,” Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu said. “We are not against any Egypt, we do not want to see any Egyptian killed … and we have always been with the Egyptian people.”
He said the two countries urge Egyptian authorities to release political detainees, including former president Morsi, who has been detained incommunicado since his ouster on 3 July........

....An Asian American Christian couple    has been accused of killing their eight-year-old adopted African daughter by authorities in Qatar, who allegedly questioned why the couple chose to adopt children who were not "good-looking" or shared their "hereditary traits."

The California Innocence Project, which is assisting The David House Agency in representing the couple, Matthew and Grace Huang from Los Angeles, who have been charged with murder and human trafficking, says the couple was wrongfully imprisoned. If convicted they will face the death penalty.
The organization reported that the Huangs' eight-year-old daughter, Gloria, whom they adopted from Ghana in 2009, died unexpectedly while they were in Qatar from an eating disorder.
"This is a case of faulty science and what appears to be racial and cultural misunderstandings by the Qatari officials about American norms regarding international adoptions and homeschooling," said CIP in their report...........

Attacks in Iraq killed 14 people including six soldiers on Sunday, officials said, amid a surge in violence authorities have so far failed to stem despite wide-ranging operations targeting militants.

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