Sunday, August 11, 2013

Various news items to show we are heading towards a full scale WW3 .....

which war will hopefully remain in the muslim hellholes and not extend to our shores.

From Asharq Al-Awsat Cairo:
....  A high-ranking Libyan official    has told to Asharq Al-Awsat that Libyan authorities have opposed “intense American pressure” to allow the US to use military drones in eastern Libya. The requests are based on US intelligence that organizations affiliated with Al-Qaeda are operating in the area.

“American authorities requested an agreement with us over operations to target extremists on Libyan territory,” said the official, who requested anonymity. “But until now, no decision has been made.”

Speaking from the Libyan capital during a telephone conversation with Asharq Al-Awsat, he added that “there are currently military and political communications between Tripoli and Washington to this end, but we have not given our consent until now. It is hard to arrive at a decision, especially as the Americans do not share their information and intelligence sources.”

The source added that a bilateral agreement that would allow the US to perform drone strikes in the eastern Libya would not be an easy one, because the Libyan people would not tolerate any government that approved such strikes, regardless of the context.......

From Al Jazeera:
.... Egypt’s military says it is continuing an operation     against armed groups in the Sinai believed to have been plotting attacks on security forces and other targets.
Security sources told Al Jazeera on Sunday that at least seven people were killed overnight, and six arrested in a raid.
The raid follows an airstrike by the Egyptian military on Friday, which saw at least four people killed.
The assault on Saturday happened when Apache helicopters hit areas south of Sheikh Zuwaid in north Sinai, according to Egyptian state media. 
A witness told Al Jazeera that armed fighters responded by firing towards the helicopters........

From Breitbart:
..... Violent clashes expected in Egypt on Monday.      According to Reuters, Egyptian forces are scheduled to ramp up action against protesters who have been camping in Cairo in support of deposed Muslim Brotherhood President Mohammed Morsi. Reuters called it a “move which could trigger more bloodshed.” ..........

From DailyStarLebanon:
.... Syrian rebel fighters kidnapped       13 Kurds in the northern province of Aleppo on Sunday, turning them over to jihadist fighters already holding 250 abducted Kurds, an NGO said.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the 13 were snatched at a roadblock in the Sfeira region of Aleppo and passed them on to Al-Nusra Front, a jihadist group affiliated with Al-Qaeda.
Al-Nusra and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), another Al-Qaeda-linked group operating in Syria, have abducted more than 250 Syrian Kurds since the end of July...........

From RTNews:
....President of Iraqi Kurdistan      ready to defend Kurds in Syria.  Masoud Barzani, the president of the Iraqi Kurdistan region, has said that he will use “all capabilities” to defend Kurdish civilians who are under threat by Al-Qaeda-linked fighters involved in the Syrian civil war.
The statement comes days after reports of a possible massacre in Syria. 
Barzani said that he wants a committee to be formed to look into reports of violence, and has hinted that the autonomous region of northern Iraq, which has a well-equipped army, would intervene militarily to defend Syrian Kurds.
In a letter which he posted online Saturday on the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) website, he said that he told Kurdish representatives to go to Syria and investigate reports that “terrorists of Al-Qaeda are attacking the civilian population and slaughtering innocent Kurdish women and children.”........

From Reuters Lebanon:
....Gunmen shot the mayor of a town   in Lebanon and killed two of his companions only hours after he oversaw a hostage swap with a rival clan in an area increasingly riven by sectarian divisions, security sources said on Sunday.
The attack near the border with Syria highlights how the civil war there has worsened enmity between Lebanese Shi'ite and Sunni Muslim militias that support opposing sides of the two-year-old conflict.
Mayor Ali Hujeiri, a Sunni from the town of Arsal, was shot in the majority Shi'ite town of Labweh as he returned from the hostage exchange with a rival Shi'ite clan. The sources said the attack was carried out by residents of the area, but did not elaborate............

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