Monday, August 12, 2013

One more dose on putrid "historian" Tim Stanley

Further to this and this, a true English Patriot from the EDL responds to the putrid "historian" Tim Stanley of the Telegraph UK.   The Right's biggest drawback is that we sit back and lump the insults thrown at us because the majority of those on the Right are of the opinion that it not appropriate to insult or belittle others  EVEN  IF they do it to us neverendingly.  Poppycock to that!!   We should stop trying to earn wings  and master the art of   hitting back hard and harp on the hit backs as much as we like.  I have always maintained that to fight those who insult and accuse us of racism, bigotry and islamophobia,  we should become quick learners in insulting those who think they can get away with it all.  Enough is enough.  You see a wrong being done to us  by the  Dr.Tim Stanleys of this world, don't sit back or offer the other cheek for another slap  ... go joyfully into the battle of trading insult for insult.  No sitting back or pulling punches. That time is long past it's expiry date !
Dear Tim Stanley,  
I’m still recovering from the wonderful parody you wrote for the Telegraph, a side-splitting piece titled “Islam is way more English than the EDL”. This long and rambling article never rests on its laurels, making one outrageous non-sequitur after another with such flamboyant leaps of logic that black becomes white and left becomes right.

Where to begin? Your attack on Tommy Robinson’s representation of the working classes became all the more humorous as you co-opted the Socialist Worker’s Thesaurus. Readers were treated to those lovely Marxist words like proletariat and bourgeoisie, and of course the Labour movement. When was the last time you met a working man who droned on about progressiveness? After accusing the EDL of projecting opinions onto the working class, you paint a perfect picture of a snobbish champagne socialist who is doing the exact same thing. A stroke of genius.

Without skipping a beat - and I must confess Tim, you really should leave pause for laughter - you continue your spiel about the British fascist movement of the 1930s and the Battle of Cable Street with subtle implication. Tommy Robinson says he represents the working class! Oswald Mosley said he represented the working class! You smartly stopped just short of declaring Tommy and Oswald to be the same person, like the proverbial cat with four legs and the dog with four legs. If that wasn’t your point, I don’t know what was. It’s like the insane rambling of a nincompoop - very entertainingly written indeed.

This all builds to a superb climax in which you ...............

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