Monday, August 19, 2013

Tony Abbott is Australia's last hope

The dimwitted lefties there have been rallying on behalf of Muslim refugees and asylum seekers  in their usual dimwitted ways.  It's like giving each Muslim refugee a double edged razor sharp knife and proffering their necks  for the  kill.  It would be okay if the lefties were the ones going like lambs to the slaughter, but the idiots want to pull others too along with them down the suicidal path.

The link below has a vid where a lefty bleeding heart is bleeding himself to death.  Ugh!  Wouldn't it be nice to deport such people to live in the muzzie lands for at least a year before they burst into diarrhea of the mouth in their  safe non-Muslim countries? 

From TheAge:
....The Coalition has ramped up its hardline stance   on refugees, announcing on Friday that almost 32,000 asylum seekers who have already arrived in Australia by boat will never get permanent settlement as well as stripping them of the right to appeal to the courts. 
The Coalition would also introduce indefinite work-for-the-dole obligations for those found to be refugees.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott channelled former prime minister John Howard from 2001 when announcing the change to the policy in Melbourne.

''The essential point is, this is our country and we determine who comes here,'' Mr Abbott said.....

.........The crackdown on asylum seekers already in Australia has outraged the Greens and refugee advocates, with Greens immigration spokeswoman Sarah Hanson-Young likening it to an ''arms race on who can be the cruelest''.
As part of the toughened policy, a Coalition government will scrap the right of asylum seekers to appeal to the courts, which in the March quarter brought the number of asylum seekers who were granted refugee status from 65.3 per cent to more than 90 per cent. .........

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