Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Egypt's Military honcho General Al-Sisi gives stern warning

This man knows that if he is not tough at this point in Egypt's history,  it's the end of Egypt.   In his almost 1-hour speech to his staff and reporters, he comes across as someone who is determined to keep Egypt from sliding into a civil war. The presently imposed 1-month emergency curfew has already seen two journalists killed last night, one of them from  Al-Ahram news outlet, when they ventured out during the curfew hours.  Drastic measures are needed for drastic times.  Oft times, it's only the military that can bring control to the kind of situation we are seeing in Egypt.

From BBC:
.....The head of Egypt's armed forces has said that his message to the supporters of ousted President Mohammed Morsi is that "there is room for everyone".
Gen Abdul Fattah al-Sisi urged them to help "rebuild the democratic path" and "integrate in the political process".
But he also warned the military would not be silent in the face of violence...........

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