Friday, August 16, 2013

The trouble with humans and our short span memories

Yes ... let's not forget Syria.   The events in Egypt might take our focus away from the terrorist base in Syria set up by the USA, UK, France and others. The first vid of the 2 kids being executed by those the West are funding and arming, is from a couple of days ago.  The second is from a few months back.   We humans have to be reminded that there are certain things that we will not accept if we are to continue being considered a notch above the wild animals of the jungle ... execution of children is a big NO NO and should be a mandatory item on that list.  If even one bullet fired at the kids came from the USA or UK or France or whichever cursed country supplied these killers of children .... then those who sanctioned such arms to the scum should be hauled to The Hague. 

Christof Lehmann  writing at NSNBC:
Western-Backed “Freedom Fighters” Executed Syrian Children.  Western and Gulf-Arab backed “Freedom Fighters” of the al-Qaeda linked “The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham” publicly executed two children who were not older than 13 years-old, in Aleppo. Syria´s Prime Minister al-Halqi describes the attempted subversion of Syria as “Global War against Syria, aimed at dividing the Arab Nation”. Meanwhile, Russia rebuts Western claims that Syria was unwilling to participate in the international conference on Syria, saying ” The US is turning things upside down”, and reiterates Syria´s eagerness to have the use of chemical weapons thoroughly investigated. 

As the Western and Gulf-Arab sponsored terrorists in Syria are suffering military defeat, the chain of outrageous crimes against unarmed civilians and attempts to substitute military capability with sheer terror does not seem to end.

Systematic war crimes, apparently the more grotesque the better are being committed. Videos are being distributed in the apparent attempts to scare the population into submission. Meanwhile, Western and Gulf-Arab mainstream media continue justifying their governments support of “the opposition”, while positioning the government and the armed forces of Syria as war criminals and oppressors.

Two Boys Executed near Aleppo. Yesterday a new terror crime that further stresses the criminal nature of the armed terrorists which are marauding in the country was exposed.
A video was published showing two boys, no older than 13 years of age, being publicly executed in cold blood in the countryside of Aleppo.

A member of the so-called “The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham”, which is a franchise of the international network of al-Qaeda mercenary forces and terrorist cells, was shown reading a statement before bullets started raining on the two children under the cries of “Allahu Akbar” or God is most Great.
Crimes against women, elderly and children have become the order of the day in Syria. Radical Islamic clerics encourage rape-murder, unarmed elderly are summarily executed and children are being used as human shields or forced into mercenary service by takfiri brigades in Syria. The execution of the two boys is not the first incidence in which the murder of children and other terror crimes has been published.
Two months ago, for example, members of a takfiri terrorist brigade shot dead a 15 year-old boy in the al-Shaar neighborhood of the city of Aleppo. Prior to the public execution of the boy, the Western and Gulf-Arab backed “Freedom Fighters” had beaten him with whips and clubs. The reason for the sentencing to lashes and the subsequent execution was the alleged verbal abuse against prophet Mohammed.

Janine di Giovanni writing at The DailyBeast
You’ve Forgotten About Syria Again, Haven’t You?    Human memory is short and terribly fickle. In the immediate aftermath of a genocide, ethnic cleansing, systematic rape, or brutal civil war, there is a period when the public will say: never again will we let such tragedies pass.

Then there is a slow dying down. Then resounding silence. Guilt lasts for a few moments, then it is forgotten, and news moves on.

Plus jamais (“never again”), the battle call following the Holocaust, no longer has any resonance. Because it did happen again. After World War II, there was genocide in Bosnia. After Bosnia, there was Rwanda. After Rwanda, Somalia. Darfur. Congo. Sierra Leone. And more.

For these reasons, the war in Syria is one that must be covered. There are 1.4 million refugees and 100,000 people dead in a conflict that is limping into its third year. The U.N. just released a paper on child soldiers and mafia-like rings within refugee camps. Inside the country, there is abuse from both sides, government and rebels: war crimes, civilian slaying, children dying, lives destroyed.

Usually, journalists are the eyes and ears of such a conflict, documenting abuse, keeping tally of the dead, and watching the pitch of the war rise and fall.
But not this time. ...........
.....It is believed, at this writing, there are 15 journalists missing in Syria. According to a story in this week’s New York Times, that number appears on a trajectory to surpass the 25 cases in Iraq in 2007—the height of the conflict.....
......But Syria must be reported. It is the lynchpin on which the region’s security lies. A larger, proxy war is at stake. Human-rights abuses are happening everywhere inside, and every day.
And the end result is that because editors don’t want to pay to send experienced reporters, the bulk of the press corps are brave freelancers.
I say brave because they often work for peanuts as in the case of one Italian journalist who recently wrote that she got paid $70 per piece. Even while she risked getting shot, raped, kidnapped, and riddled with typhoid......

1 comment:

  1. That's a horrific video of the kids being gunned down. These sick morons are actually proud of their work. Radical Islamic thought is like a brain disease. They should be treated like zombies for the unfeeling monsters that they are.


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