Friday, August 16, 2013

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood attack, burn, pillage, desecrate, destroy 50+ churches in less than 50 hours ....

and this is just the start. Besides attacking and destroying the churches,  the bastards also attacked Christian houses and Christian business and Christian schools ... burning them, pillaging them, attacking those inside and worse.

The Muslims destroy the churches in the lands they grabbed from Christians  and what do we do  for them here in Canada?  We build them their mosques, fund the mosques, give the mosques and all connected with the running of same breaks, allow the mosques and the imams within them to poison the minds of young Muslim immigrants and other citizens ... whether Muslim or not,  give the mosques any number of  permits to teach their book of lies, knowingly allow the imams to preach hate, knowingly make our police officers visit the mosques for "outreach" shit and  our politicians prance, skip and make like monkeys  for the Muslim vote.   How much more dirt can the non-Muslims lick while bending low, low, low at the feet of Muslims in order to placate and  please them????

While there are several reports and pics showing Muslims protecting churches from the hate-filled Muslim Brotherhood mobs,  if you look at those pictures they all show  the exact same church.  So...bottom line unless proven otherwise,  a few Muslims did really protect  a church  .... one church, PERIOD.   However, a handful of good, decent Muslims cannot hold back the majority of their crazed clan. 

Erica Ritz at the Blaze has done a fantastic job of categorizing the attacks on Churches and Christian houses and businesses... I have not provided the umpteen number of links she has at each will have to access the first link below to get at the rest.

....A wave of devastating violence   swept through Egypt Wednesday as the government attempted to disband the supporters of ousted president Mohamed Morsi from their sit-ins.  According to the Associated Press, 638 people have now been confirmed killed, and nearly 4,000 are injured.

The fighting is far from limited to the Islamists and the military, however. Since Wednesday’s violence began, there have also been a wave of attacks on churches and Christian institutions........

.....List courtesy of Amira Mikhail:

Father Maximus Church

St George Church | Burned | Source

Good Shepherds Monastery |  Nuns attacked
Angel Michael Church | Surrounded
St George Coptic Orthodox Church | Photo, Photo, Photo, YouTube
Al-Eslah Church| Burned | Source
Adventist Church | Pastor and his wife kidnapped | Photo
St Therese Church | Photo
Apostles Church | Burning | Source
Holy Revival Church | Burning | Source
Qusiya Diocese | MCN

Beni Suef
The Nuns School | Photo
St George Church | al-Wasta

St Fatima Basilica | Heliopolis | Attempted Attack
Virgin Mary’s Church | Hakim Village | Burned | Photo

Fayoum (Five churches)
St Mary Church | El Nazlah | Gallery
St Damiana Church | Robbed and burned
Amir Tawadros (St Theodore) Church | EgyNews (Arabic), Twitter
Evangelical Church | al-Zorby Village | Looting and destruction
Church of Joseph | Burned | Source
Franciscan School | Burned | Source

Diocese of St Paul | Burned | Source

Father Antonios
Atfeeh Bishopric

Minya (Around twelve churches)
Church of the Virgin Mary and Father Abram | Delga, Deir Mawas | Source
St Mina Church | Abu Hilal Kebly, Beni Hilal | Source, photo
Baptist Church | Beni Mazar | Source
Monastery | Deir Mawas  | Ahram (Arabic)
Delga Church | Attacked (Previously attacked with fire)
The Jesuit Fathers Church | Abu Hilal district
St Mark Church | Abu Hilal district
St Joseph Nunnery | Photo, photo
Amir Tadros Church | Photo, photo, photo, album, photo, photo
Evangelical Church | Photo
Anba Moussa al-Aswad Church | Photo
Apostles Church | Source

St Mary’s Church | Attempted Burning

St George Church |Photo album, photo, photo, video, source, source, video
St Damiana | Attacked and burned | Source
Virgin Mary | Attacked and burned | Source
St Mark Church & Community Center
Anba Abram Church | Destroyed and burned | Source

St Saviours Anglican Church | Source
Franciscan Church and School | Street 23 | Burned |Photo, photo, source/photos, photos
Holy Shepherd Monastery and Hospital | Photo
Good Shepherd Church (molotov cocktail thrown)- Relationship with Holy Shepherd Monastery unknown.
Greek Orthodox Church | Photo, Photo

Christian Institutions
House of Father Angelos (Pastor of Church of the Virgin Mary and Father Abram) | Delga, Minya | Burned | CBN News, Ahram (Arabic)
Properties and Markets of Copts | al-Gomhorreya Street, Assiut
Seventeen Coptic homes | Delga, Minya | Burned | Source, Source
YMCA | Minya| Burned | Photo
Coptic Homes | Qulta Street, Assiut | Attacked
Offices of the Evangelical Foundation & Oum al-Nour | Minya
Coptic-owned shops, pharmacy, and hotels | Karnak and Cleopatra Streets, Luxor | Attacked and Looted
Dahabeya Nile Boat | Minya| Church-owned | Source,Photo, Photo
Bible Society bookshop | Cairo | Burned | Photo
Bible Society | Fayoum | Photo
Bible Society | al-Gomohoreya Street, Assiut | Photo, Photo
Ezbet el Nekhl | Source, source, source (Arabic)

They burn churches, persecute and kill Christians and yet deny they did those things.

Erica Ritz writing at the Blaze:
Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood has denied involvement    in the wave of attacks on churches and Christian institutions in this week’s violence.

“Based on the true nature of our religion, and pursuant to our party’s indivisible principles, we strongly condemn any attack, even verbal, against Copts, their churches or their property,” Dr. Murad Ali, a spokesman for the Brotherhood’s political arm, the Freedom and Justice Party, said in a statement...........

Sarah Sirgany and Laura Smith-Spark writing at CNN:
....'Horrible': Christian churches throughout Egypt stormed, torched. For 67 years, the Virgin Mary Church has been a peaceful refuge for Shenouda El Sayeh, much like the Giza province village of Hafr Hakim where it rests and where he has lived all those years.
But, as he swept its floors on Thursday, it was painfully obvious things had changed.
The night before, a mob -- chanting against Coptic Christians such as El Sayeh and calling for Egypt to become an "Islamic state" -- had torched and looted the Virgin Mary Church.
"I didn't expect this to happen," El Sayeh said....

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