Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The chemical attack in Syria by Al Qaeda terrorists goes to show the low level of intellect of those who get state of the art weapons and funds from the West

The terrorists in Syria were confident that they could use the chemical weapons and blame the Assad regime and that would make the West invade Syria in 1-2-3.  The hue and cry by the thinking population of the world has shown the USA in no uncertain terms that we are not fooled by the tricks played on us by their foot soldiers in Syria.

If UK and France wants to join up with the Sunni sheikdoms and do the dirty on Assad,  let them go ahead and do it without the USA.  Very soon there will be full scale revolutions happening in those two Western countries ....and their foreign policy bribe takers will be the ones who will have to bear full responsibility.

Will Obama and gang keep out of Syria and let matters take their course or are they just biding their time before jumping from the frying pan into the fire?

Olivier Knox writing at YahooPolitics:
.....The United States should not intervene militarily in Syria’s civil war because rebels battling Bashar Assad’s regime aren’t prepared to promote American interests if the tide shifts in their favor, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Martin Dempsey said in a letter released Wednesday.

Dempsey, the country’s top uniformed military commander, also warned against greater U.S. military involvement because while “we can destroy the Syrian Air Force,” such a step would “escalate and potentially further commit the United States to the conflict."

"Syria today is not about choosing between two sides but rather about choosing one among many sides," Dempsey wrote in the Aug. 19 letter to Democrats on the House Foreign Affairs Committee. "It is my belief that the side we choose must be ready to promote their interests and ours when the balance shifts in their favor. Today, they are not."

Instead, he suggested, America should provide humanitarian aid on a “far more significant scale” and “significantly increase our effort to develop a moderate opposition to Assad.”

Dempsey’s letter became public amid news of a possible chemical weapons attack by Assad’s regime against the opposition. ..........

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