Thursday, August 22, 2013

Province of Quebec: No place for "religious propaganda"

Congratulations PQ  .... way to go!

If the Province  can get  the proposed legislation banning religious symbols in public sectors as well as in schools and daycare, made into  law....  it will be known as the most progressive Province in Canada.   How come Quebec is always at the forefront in coming up with some of  the most commonsense initiatives?  

The rest of  political Canada,  being the cowards they are and  being afflicted with political correctness, will continue to pander and pamper immigrants  rather than working towards getting them to assimilate or making them aware of how their religious symbols and mode of dress is nothing to be proud of.  

Jason Kenney had his say, and so also the Quebec-loving Justin Trudeau .... both continue to  like curries and samosas more than keeping religion where it should be .... at home.

From CBCNews:
.....'No place for 'religious propaganda'   
However, Michel Lincourt of the Mouvement laïque québécois, a group promoting secularism in the province, said religious symbols are a form of religious propaganda and have no place in the civil service — or in schools and daycares.

"The school is where you create citizens with the same feeling, the same awareness of their civic duties, their civic responsibilities and their civic rights," Lincourt said.

To those who worry a ban such as the one the government is proposing would ostracize people of many religious faiths, Lincourt says that's the wrong way of looking at the situation.

"If they want to integrate themselves, they should accept the laws of the community," he said........

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