Monday, August 5, 2013

Statement to Syrian Kurds from headchoppers, cannibals, killers, kidnappers and torturers

A translation from the Arabic of a statement from the "opposition" at Syria Comment,  a blog run by  Dr. Joshua Landis the Middle East analyst and professor at the University of Oklahoma,  shows how extremely  messy the situation has become with everybody involved  wanting a piece of Syria for themselves.  By the time this civil war "officially" comes to an end,  which is not likely to happen anytime soon going by the looks of it at present, Syria is going to be divided into at least  three Syrias.  One part will definitely go to the Kurds to attach to their existing Kurdistan territory,  one part  will go to  the  Sunni group(s) so they can dig their own holes in it, and  the  rest of Syria will be where the  Alawites, Shiites, Christians and Druze, will hopefully live in peace. at least for the next few generations to come.  

From the statement  below which was issued to the Kurds from  the FSA, the ISIS, Ahrar al-Sham, and a host of other groups fighting against the regime, we can surmise how much more deeper and more complicated the infighting is going to get.... and wonder anew how anybody in their right mind here in the West can even begin to think that this is a mess we should be a party to. The politicians from USA, UK, France and other countries complicit in arming and funding the jihadis in Syria are committing a grave and unforgivable  offense on the millions of Syrians displaced by this continuing conflict,  which conflict is being continued only because of the support from the West to the rebels.

We, the battalions working in the cities of Minbij and Sirin and Shyoukh and Jarablos:
The revolutionary and military council, Liwaa Al Tawhid, Liwad Jond Al Rahman, Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, Ahrar Al Sham, Liwaa Ashab Al yamin, Liwaa Al Yarmouk, Liwaa Ahrar Al Shyoukh, Souqour Al Sham:

After we became certain that the PKK is without a doubt a party belonging to the regime of the tyrant criminal Bashar al-Assad—because they hosted delegations loyal to the regime (Naser Qandil) in order to setup plans to destabilize the the safe areas; and received weapons and ammunition by air to execute these plans and help this regime as did Hizb Allat in Qusair; and they pulled their forces from the mountains of Turkey and Iraq and brought them to north Syria; and lately they stopped wheat trucks from reaching the liberated areas; and denied checkpoint passage to the mujahidin heading to the battle fronts with the regime; and the big displacement campaign that they’re running in their areas; and the random apprehensions on their checkpoints; and their attempts to create a ethnic fitna between Arabs and Kurds who lived together for hundreds of years and who share a strong bonds and family ties and compassion towards each other and they turned it into a hostile relationship with hate and resentment that drains a lot of our time, effort, blood and money; and thus achieving the goals of the broken and tired regime giving him enough time to catch his breath and arrange his cards and survive in front of the large advancement of our blessed revolution—and based on that we decided:
1 – Initiation of a full siege of the city of Ain al-Arab and preparations for any acts of treachery by the collaborator party
2 – Cleansing of the pockets of PKK that are among our ranks
3 – Declaration of the Minbij-Hassakah a military road that should be liberated from all PKK checkpoints
4 – Cessations of all negotiations and political meetings between us and any group that represents the PKK
And Thus we say:
First: We send a message to all the Kurdish groups that have no connection to the regime or the regime collaborator PKK that we see you like a brother sees a brother and shares his happiness and sadness and land and water and air.
Second: Any rebel battalion or inhabitant of the liberated areas that makes an agreement with the PKK is a traitor to Allah, the Prophet, and Muslims, and will be punished by all the battalions.
And finally: Our goal is to pleasure Allah and to ensure a safe life for our people in Syria and to maintain the unity of the Muslim Syrian people and to maintain the progress of our blessed revolution until the fall of the criminal regime.

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