
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Sarah Palin vindicated ....

this information is more for the lefties who go berserk with anything that's said by Gov. Palin which does  not fit within their warp intellect..... and also for  the dhimmi Republicans who like to feast on their own.   The rest of us knew she was right all along.

Sarah Palin at her facebook book:
..... Please see the article    linked below. To the "defenders of the truth" in the lamestream media, I'm not sayin', “just sayin'.” 

To our steadfast supporters, let's always keep our eye on the truth and never back down from ensuring our great country isn't deceived by what we are told to think by the media or the powers that be. When they get it wrong, they really get it wrong. 

We will never sit down and we will never shut up. It isn't in our DNA and it isn't what our country was founded upon. The need to question government and address its flaws is incumbent on all people of conscience, and we will never stop defending true and plainspoken facts. There is much more to come, hold tight and keep your resolve.

 ......Sarah Palin Was Right  — More Dems Ditch Death Panels.  ObamaCare: Some Democrats are signing on to bills repealing the powers of the Independent Payment Advisory Board to effectively ration health care for seniors. So Sarah Palin was right about those death panels after all?
Palin was mocked by liberals when at a Tea Party rally in Reno, Nev., in late 2010, shortly before the GOP retook the House of Representatives, she told attendees: "Don't be thinking that we've got victory for America in the bag yet. ... We can't party like it's 1773."
Leftist know-it-alls insisted that 1776 was the correct year, when in fact Palin was right: The Boston Tea Party she referred to — a protest of British oppressive taxation — happened on Dec. 16, 1773.............

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