Saturday, August 24, 2013

News on Syria... Aug 24 .... coming in fast and furious.

A whole lot is happening on the Syrian war front.  Some analysts are predicting USA/NATO attack on Syria within the next 2 days and some think it will be within the next few hours.

Confirmation from Doctors Without Borders:  ..Medecins Sans Frontieres says it has treated about 3,600 patients with "neurotoxic symptoms" in Syria, of whom 355 have died.

It said the patients had arrived in three hospitals it supports in the Damascus governorate on 21 August - when opposition activists say chemical attacks were launched against rebels.
It appears to be the first confirmation that chemical weapons were used.
Western countries have accused the government. Damascus accuses rebels...........

Syrian state television  said troops found chemical agents in rebel tunnels in a Damascus suburb on Saturday and some soldiers were "suffocating", intensifying a dispute over blame for a reported nerve gas attack that killed hundreds this week.

The top U.N. disarmament official arrived in Damascus on Saturday to seek access for inspectors to the site of the attack and the United States was realigning naval forces in the region to give President Barack Obama the option for an armed strike on Syria........

....Arms control advocates  are decrying a new U.S. Department of Defense announcement that it will be building and selling 1,300 cluster bombs to Saudi Arabia, worth some 641 million dollars.

The munitions at the heart of the sale are technically legal under recently strengthened US regulations aimed at reducing impact on civilian safety, but activists contend that battlefield evidence suggests the weapons actually exceed those regulations.
Opponents say the move runs counter to a strengthening push to outlaw the use of cluster bombs around the world while also contradicting recent votes by both the US and Saudi governments critical of the use of these munitions....

In the article below bear in mind that this could be time stamp confusion because I believe You Tube uses their own time stamp depending on when the videos were received in California..... OR is the opposition to Assad really that stupid?  Maybe.

Materials implicating the forces of Syrian president Bashar Assad in chemical weapons use near Damascus were prepared prior to the alleged incident on August 21, the Russian foreign ministry said.
Moscow continues to monitor closely the event surrounding the “alleged”  chemical attack near Damascus, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Aleksandr Lukashevich, said in a statement. 
“We’re getting more new evidence that this criminal act was of a provocative nature,” he stressed. “In particular, there are reports circulating on the Internet, in particular that the materials of the incident and accusations against government troops had been posted for several hours before the so-called attack. Thus, it was a pre-planned action.” 
Below are the three videos posted on Youtube said to be showing the child victims affected by chemical weapons near Damascus. Despite the date of the alleged attack – August 21 – being mentioned in their titles, they were posted on YouTube one the previous day, August 20. 
Despite the 7-hour time difference between Syria and the US, where the YouTube server is located, the mismatch of the dates in the videos raised concerns among some experts about the exact time of the upload.....

....Despite Turmoil,  Syria Regime Feels New Confidence.  The signs would seem bad for President Bashar Assad. Blasts echo all day long over the Syrian capital as troops battle rebels entrenched on its eastern doorstep. The government admits the economy is devastated. Allegations of a horrific chemical attack have given new life to calls for international action against his regime.

Yet the regime appears more confident than ever that it weathered the worst and has gained the upper hand in the country's civil war, even if it takes years for victory.
Deputy Prime Minister Qadri Jamil traces a slow arc in the air with his hand to show how the country has reached a turning point in "the events" — the most common euphemism here for 2 1/2 years of bloodshed.
"If the previous trajectory was all negative, it is now on a new course of a gradual reduction of violence, until it goes back to zero," he told The Associated Press.....

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