Saturday, August 24, 2013

How America plans on getting the required ok from the UN to destroy yet another country

I  can understand why so many millions around the world blame America for many of the world's ills.

Connor Simpson writing at TheAtlanticWire:
With the Navy waiting in the wings,  the President now has to decide whether or not the U.S. will for the first time execute a military strike in the Syrian conflict. If he does decide to strike, Obama will use similar actions taken by President Bill Clinton to subvert Russia's authority on the U.N. Security Council. 

The U.N. Security Council have tried in vain to decide a Syrian course of action for months now. Every time the major countries get together, Russia's vote -- and their ties with Bashar al-Assad's regime -- always leads to nothing getting done. 

But now, in the wake of this week's devastating chemical weapon attacks, it appears President Obama is growing more and more restless to act. The U.S., France and Britain are right now working in concert to verify tissue samples collected on the ground from separate, elaborate series of spy channels on the ground in Syria, according to The Wall Street Journal's Adam Entous, Siobahn Groman and Cassell Bryan-Low. They also allegedly have unseen video evidence showing the Syrian government is responsible for this week's chemical attacks.

Should those three countries come to a consensus pinning the attacks on the Assad regime, what would happen next is still unclear, but Obama will allegedly use NATO's 1998 air war in Kosovo as a precedent for an attack on the Syrian government. Citing a senior administration official, The New York Times' Mark Lander and Michael R. Gordon explain the eerie parallels between the two conflicts:...........

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