
Saturday, August 10, 2013

More on the putrid "historian" Tim Stanley of The Telegraph UK

Being a Roman Catholic, it pains me  to see another Catholic going down the dhimmi hole of no return.  The most horrific part of all this is that the man is supposed to be a "historian" !!   With idiots like him around, can you gauge the trouble we are in ?!   Look, we might not be die-hard Christians, (I  am to be found in the agnostic camp many a time)  but we have to draw the line between the cult of  islam and the other  religions, because the only religion that is violent  is  islam.  

I am glad to see that many others also think that Dr. Tim Stanley is a dhimmi of the worst kind.  Two prominent bloggers below have their say:  

Alan at BiasedBBC blog:
You may have been following    the spectacle of the academic, historian and all round cosmopolitan Tim Stanley trying to handbag working class Tommy Robinson for his views on Islam.

The most recent cause of Stanley’s angst is, he tells us, because:

EDL leader Tommy Robinson tweets link to anti-Semitic website. That’s the company he keeps

 Stanley writes in the Telegraph but regularly moonlights at the BBC and the Guardian amongst other media outlets. He typifies the snobbish, patrician, over educated, over mannered and self regarding pompous metro sexual self proclaimed elite that inhabits the corridors of the BBC that preaches to us all….as he himself admits:

Tim Stanley ‏@timothy_stanley 1h   Yes, I’m a snob towards the EDL. Since when did despising Right-wing violence become bourgeois?

Aahh…so…he can despise the EDL but the EDL can’t despise or criticise Islam….and it seems you can’t criticise Stanley’s  opinion as ‘comments’ are off under both his anti-EDL pitches.

His fellow Telegraph blogger and BBC correspondent Jake Wallis Simons is beating the same path…could they be BBC ‘deniable operatives’? Saying things that the BBC would love to say but can’t…so it gives the nod to its ‘outliers’ to put the boot into the EDL in non BBC publications.

Here JWS falsely claims a Facebook memorial page for Lee Rigby was an EDL front………as highlighted on BBBC.

Here he has another go at the EDL...........

Ali Sina   writing at FaithFeedom blog:
Today, I read a piece by Dr. Tim Stanley (a historian)   on Daily Telegraph that amazed me of the depth of ignorance of some westerners about Islam. In this article titled, Islam Is Way More English than the EDL, Tim Stanley claims, “A lot of the fear shown towards Islam comes from the death of the Christian soul – we see a people who actually believe in something and we are intimidated.”

I am not sure on what this doctor bases his diagnosis, but he cannot be more wrong. He ignores the fact that a growing number of people, who were born and raised as Muslims, are coming to the realization that Islam is a dangerous creed, and not all of them convert to Christianity. ...............

........Humans are primarily spiritual beings. For two centuries, the European intellectuals attacked every tenet of Christianity and did their best to uproot it. By doing so they created a spiritual vacuum, which Muslims are striving to fill.  However, those who know Islam are alarmed. Yes some interpretations of Christianity are not savory, but embracing Islam is like jumping from the frying pan into the fire.  Islam does not bring civilization, peace and harmony. All we have to do is look at Muslims. Can you name one Islamic country where there is peace and people are not busy killing each other in the name of religion? Since the beginning of Islam, Muslims have been at war with others and with each other.................


  1. The other day, on the CBC, the news person said there is an upcoming documentary about the most persecuted minority on earth, yes, that term was actually used to described the Muslims of Burma.
    WTF!! Gag me with a spoon. There are so many other examples (ie: Christians and Jews being the focal point of hatred in Muslim lands) and they managed to come up with that?

    1. Dear Canuckguy ... why do you torture yourself by watching the Cursed Bullshit Crap? I am now a much more relaxed person after I stopped switching to that channel. I used to like their MarketWatch and sometimes their documentaries .... but don't even watch those anymore. Some of the stuff they say ... case in point, the kind of lunacy you mentioned, used to send me in an apoplexy of red hot molten rage.
      If you value your health .... give up on the CBC.

  2. Yeah, you have a point. I was seething with anger over such an obvious leftist tilt. However if I have nothing better to do, I will watch it if only to see how much more annoyed I can get and so see the names on the credits.


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