
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Egypt erupts

Too much happening within the last few hours. Reports of over 100 people killed and more than 1000 injured are filtering in.  Among the dead are two TV reporters.  One a Britisher from SkyNews.  The other from Xpress who was holidaying in Egypt and not on assignment according to GulfNews.   There are some horrific vids on the internet today of scenes purporting to have happened in the last few hours but when dealing with muzzies one has to take everything they say with a sackful of salt.  Some of he vids look like they were filmed in Syria instead of Egypt ... that's  how much horror and bloodshed is to be seen in them. One shows dozens of bodies burning  and I pray they were all already dead and not burnt alive.

In the first vid below, the mad muzzies are storming the Church of St. George (supposedly in Assuit) and setting it on fire.  At least that's what the description to the vid says.  As I keep saying,  take everything coming from there with an open mind and the question  "Is this true?" at the front of your thoughts.

Below is an email that BBC's Live Text received a short while ago from a Cairo resident:
Yussre El Bardicy, Cairo emails:    I'm an Egyptian-American in the Cairo suburb of Abbasaya right now. My two brothers and father are flying in from the US tonight for my grandmother's funeral but no one will be able to pick them up because no one can get to the airport. Additionally, we tried contacting the tourism services to pick them up but all refused out of concern for their safety. We are not stepping one foot out of our apartment because conditions are that dangerous - a little ridiculous considering I want to attend my beloved grandmother's funeral.

From GulfNews:
Xpress reporter killed in Egypt clashes.     Habiba Ahmed Abd Elaziz was shot at the Rabaa Al Adawiya Square in Cairo on Wednesday morning.  Habiba Ahmed Abd Elaziz, a 26-year-old staff reporter of XPRESS, a sister publication of Gulf News, was shot dead in Cairo on Wednesday morning.
Family members said she was shot at the Rabaa Al Adawiya Square in Cairo. Scores were reported dead as troops stormed the pro-Mursi camps.
Habiba was not on any official assignment and had gone to her home country on annual leave......

From Reuters:
...A television cameraman working for Britain's Sky News     was shot and killed in Cairo on Wednesday as violence flared in Egypt, Sky News said.
Cameraman Mick Deane, 61, had worked for the BSkyB owned news channel for 15 years, based in Washington and then Jerusalem. He is married with two sons.......

From CNN:
Government says kids used as human shields    For six chaotic weeks, Morsy supporters had amassed at the two camps -- refusing to budge until Morsy was reinstated.
They lived and slept in tents. Vendors offered everything from haircuts to masks. Children played in inflatable castles and splashed in kiddie pools.
The government has accused the protesters of packing the sites with their children to use them as human shields.
The raid Wednesday was not unexpected.
Since the Muslim holy month of Ramadan ended last week, the protesters had hunkered down and waited for the crackdown that the government had long hinted at.
They fortified their sites with sandbags, tires and stacks of bricks, bracing for the raid.....

From AlArabiyaEnglish:
At least 124 people were reportedly  killed on Wednesday as Egyptian police moved in on protest camps in support of deposed President Mohammed Mursi, according to an AFP tally.
Six members of the Egyptian security forces were killed, state TV reported, quoting the Interior Ministry, adding that a further 66 members of the security forces had been wounded.....

From RTNews:
A month-long state of emergency     has been announced by Egypt's current President, starting at 4pm local time.  He has authorized the armed forces to support the interior ministry in imposing the state of emergency, according to a statement. .....

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